Bigsupes' Codes

These are codes for pokemon gold and silver

These are bigsupes special codes, if copied to another site without permission, he will sue

Ha, he's given me permission on

All badges 01FF7CD5 01FF7DD5

Lots of experience = 01FF7ECF


010063D1- When seen by a trainer you haven't beat, the trainer will see you forever! Heheh just a silly code.

-01FF41D0- Every item is at the Pokemart. (I think every item. A TON of them are.) Just keep scrolling down. You might have to scroll down a while until you find what you need.

Pokemon 1 - Change to SHINY 01EA3FDA & 01AA40DA

Pokemon 2 - Change to SHINY 01EA6FDA & 01AA70DA

Pokemon 3 - Change to SHINY 01EA9FDA & 01AAA0DA

Pokemon 4 - Change to SHINY 01EACFDA & 01AAD0DA

Pokemon 5 - Change to SHINY 01EAFFDA & 01AA00DB

Pokemon 6 - Change to SHINY 01EA2FDB & 01AA30DB

You will lose your Shininess but get the best stats when you level up







01FF45DA - Pokemon 1 MAX happiness

01FF75DA - Pokemon 2 MAX happiness

01FFA5DA - Pokemon 3 MAX happiness

01FFD5DA - Pokemon 4 MAX happiness

01FF05DB - Pokemon 5 MAX happiness

01FF35DB - Pokemon 6 MAX happiness


slot 1 010146DA

slot 2 010176DA

slot 3 0101A6DA

slot 4 0101D6DA

slot 5 010106DB

slot 6 010136DB

this is for items that are held by pokemon

slot 1 01??2bda

slot 2 01??5bda

slot 3 01??8bda

slot 4 01??bbda

slot 5 01??ebda

slot 6 01??1bdb


maximum stats?

If you enter these codes, the Pokemon will be at its max stats. Unfortunately, it won`t be much of a boost: 01FE7CD1 01017DD1 01FE7ED1 01017FD1 01FE80D1 010181D1 01FE82D1 010183D1 01FE84D1 010185D1


9,999 coins in your Coin Case then the codes are 01277AD5 010F7BD5

tm codes

01??7ED5 - TM01 Dynamicpunch

01??7FD5 - TM02 Headbutt

01??80D5 - TM03 Curse

01??81D5 - TM04 Rollout

01??82D5 - TM05 Roar

01??83D5 - TM06 Toxic

01??84D5 - TM07 Zap Cannon

01??85D5 - TM08 Rock Smash

01??86D5 - TM09 Psych Up

01??87D5 - TM10 Hidden Power

01??88D5 - TM11 Sunny Day

01??89D5 - TM12 Sweet Scent

01??8AD5 - TM13 Snore

01??8BD5 - TM14 Blizzard

01??8CD5 - TM15 Hyper Beam

01??8DD5 - TM16 Icy Wind

01??8ED5 - TM17 Protect

01??8FD5 - TM18 Rain Dance

01??90D5 - TM19 Giga Drain

01??91D5 - TM20 Endure

01??92D5 - TM21 Frustration

01??93D5 - TM22 Solar Beam

01??94D5 - TM23 Iron Tail

01??95D5 - TM24 Dragonbreath

01??96D5 - TM25 Thunder

01??97D5 - TM26 Earthquake

01??98D5 - TM27 Return

01??99D5 - TM28 Dig

01??9AD5 - TM29 Psychic

01??9BD5 - TM30 Shadow Ball

01??9CD5 - TM31 Mud-Slap

01??9DD5 - TM32 Double Team

01??9ED5 - TM33 Ice Punch

01??9FD5 - TM34 Swagger

01??A0D5 - TM35 Sleep Talk

01??A1D5 - TM36 Sludge Bomb

01??A2D5 - TM37 Sandstorm

01??A3D5 - TM38 Fire Blast

01??A4D5 - TM39 Swift

01??A5D5 - TM40 Defense Curl

01??A6D5 - TM41 Thunderpunch

01??A7D5 - TM42 Dream Eater

01??A8D5 - TM43 Detect

01??A9D5 - TM44 Rest

01??AAD5 - TM45 Attract

01??ABD5 - TM46 Thief

01??ACD5 - TM47 Steel Wing

01??ADD5 - TM48 Fire Punch

01??AED5 - TM49 Fury Cutter

01??AFD5 - TM50 Nightmare

Replace ?? with 63 to get 99 of the TM

Max stat experience pts./Best possible stats: 01FF35DA 01FF36DA 01FF37DA 01FF38DA 01FF39DA 01FF3ADA 01FF3BDA 01FF3CDA 01FF3DDA 01FF3EDA 01ff3FDA 01ff40DA

The change isn't implemented in the stats until you go up a level or toss it in the PC and bring it back out. This code affects your 1st Pokémon

FIGHT GYM LEADERS AGAIN So the codes for getting them all back to normal (I'm assuming you've already finished all of them completly) are as follows: 01007DD5 01144ED8 01E04FD8 017F7CD5




010145DA - Pokemon 1 Quick Egg Hatch

010175DA - Pokemon 2 Quick Egg Hatch

0101A5DA - Pokemon 3 Quick Egg Hatch

0101D5DA - Pokemon 4 Quick Egg Hatch

010105DB - Pokemon 5 Quick Egg Hatch

010135DB - Pokemon 6 Quick Egg Hatch

Change Gender (1st position)

Male 01FF3FDA 01FF40DA

Female 011F3FDA 01FF40DA

One Hit Enemy Kills 010000d1

Always On Bike 010182d6

Infinite HP 01FF1DCB

Infinite PP (1st Position) 012814CB

Infinite PP (2nd Position) 012815CB

Infinite PP (3rd Position) 012816CB

Infinite PP (4th Position) 012817CB

Catch Trainers Pokemon 010116D1 (When desired pkmn appears, flip switch on then off) (The pokemon has no moves :| )

Enemy LV Modifier 01??FCD0

Infinite Money 019973D5 019974D5 019975D5

Fight "Shiny" Pokemon 010719D1

Speed up Breeding 010178DC---- makes it so when you put two pokemon to be bred and leave, walk around for about 20(yes 20) steps, come back, and the man should have the egg ready. MUCH quicker than 5000 steps!

Fly to city modifier 01??EDCE 00 Your House 01 Viridian City Pokemon Center 02 Pallet Town 03 Viridian City 04 Pewter City 05 Cerulean City 06 Near the Power Plant 07 Vermilion City 08 Lavender Town 09 Saffron City 0A Celadon City 0B Fuchsia City 0C Cinnabar Island 0D Indigo Plateau 0E New Bark Town 0F Cherrygrove City 10 Violet City 11 Union Cave 12 Azalea Town 13 Cianwood City 14 Goldenrod City 15 Olivine City 16 Ecruteak City 17 Mahogany Town 18 Lake Of Rage 19 Blackthorn City 1A Mt. Silver 1B S.S Aqua

Protect status 01001ACB 010048CB

Have Substitute 011049CB (leave switch off untill batlle, then turn it back off right before the end of battle for the two codes above)

Enemy Asleep And Poisoned 0100ADD7

No Random Battles 01000BD2

Walk Through Anything Use At Your Own Risk! Code will sometimes cause your game to reset, and the screen get all glichy. Make sure you turn off the GameShark when you want to walk into a building or through a door. 010aa6ce 010aa5ce 010aa4ce 010aa3ce


Constant phone calls: 01048fd1

Some phone stuff: First off you have to understand how the phone works. It reads along the list from 1 to 10 and displays the numbers for each trainer. A value of 00 means that there's no number that is found there so it won't let you select it to call. Any number other than zero is a trainer but a few values still produce blank spots. These numbers can be called but show up as an out of area number. They were probably removed from the game before it got sent out. The interesting one in the mix is number 02, Bike Shop. You can't actually call the bike shop in the game, they call you. Apparently you were able to call the bike shop before (probably to check and see how much business you brought in) but they removed it and didn't remove the name. Blank spots 08-0A were probably other people like Professor Elm and your mom who's numbers you got without a battle who got removed and number 19 was probably another trainer that got removed. When you talk to a trainer or someone who adds a number to your pokedex it runs through the list from 1 to 10 and finds either the first blank spot (00) or the same number. If it's all full it'll tell you and stop. If your list is full and Mom is not one of the people nothing happens when she gives you the pokegear and adds her number. You can, however, make her number somewhere else by leaving a blank spot for it in the list. Anything past 24 gives you jibberish that will crash your game when you try to call the number, so beware. Also I haven't tested it yet but I've somehow corrupted my gold game so that I can't go into the mailbox or fight myself over in Viridian city, though I haven't as of yet figured out if this type of crash will mess up your save.

01??C6D9 - First Number 01??C7D9 - Second Number 01??C8D9 - Third Number 01??C9D9 - Fourth Number 01??CAD9 - Fifth Number 01??CBD9 - Sixth Number 01??CCD9 - Seventh Number 01??CDD9 - Eighth Number 01??CED9 - Ninth Number 01??CFD9 - Tenth Number Phone #'s 00 - Empty Spot 01 - Mom: 02 - Bike Shop: 03 - Bill: 04 - Prof Elm: 05 - Jack: Schoolboy 06 - Beverly: Pokefan 07 - Huey: Sailor 08 - 0A Blank (Not empty but no name) 0B - Gavin: Cooltrainer 0C - Beth: Cooltrainer 0D - Jose: Bird Keeper 0E - Reena: Cooltrainer 0F - Joey: Youngster 10 - Wade: Bugcatcher 11 - Ralph: Fisher 12 - Liz: Picknicker 13 - Anthony: Hiker 14 - Todd: Camper 15 - Gina: Picknicker 16 - Irwin: Juggler 17 - Arnie: Bug Catcher 18 - Alan: Schoolboy 19 - Blank (No one here!) 1A - Dana: Lass 1B - Chad: Schoolboy 1C - Derek: Pokefan 1D - Chris: Fisher 1E - Brent: Pokemaniac 1F - Tiffany: Picknicker 20 - Vance: Bird Keeper 21 - Wilton: Fisher 22 - Kenji: Blackbelt 23 - Parry: Hiker 24 - Erin: Picnicker

Take all of elm's pokemon. 0100bad7

All room decorations in pc:

Make it daytime all day- 016301DA

Pokemon fall out of trees - 010819D1

Playing time codes - 01xxECD1 hours 01xxEDD1 minutes

To use HM's anywhere- 01xxD5D0 01-cut 02-fly 03-surf 04-strength 05-waterfall 06-flash 07-whirlpool 08-dig 09-teleport

Access all trade/battle PC's 01FFBAD7 (use after using the code to take all three starter from Professor Elm (if U use(d) that code)) here are some unknown related codeZ:

Unown Codes

01??3FDA // Modify first pokemon (High) 01??40DA // Modify first pokemon (Low) 01??6FDA // Modify second pokemon (High) 01??70DA // Modify second pokemon (Low) 01??9FDA // Modify third pokemon (High) 01??A0DA // Modify third pokemon (Low) 01??CFDA // Modify forth pokemon (High) 01??D0DA // Modify forth pokemon (Low) 01??FFDA // Modify fifth pokemon (High) 01??00DB // Modify fifth pokemon (Low) 01??2FDB // Modify sixth pokemon (High) 01??30DB // Modify sixth pokemon (Low) 01??F5D0 // Change battle unown (High) 01??F6D0 // Change battle unown (Low) Use these numbers: (High, Low) A 00, 00 B 00, C4 C 02, 20 D 02, E4 E 04, 40 F 06, 04 G 06, 60 H 20, 24 I 22, 00 J 22, C4 K 24, 20 L 24, E4 M 26, 40 N 40, 04 O 40, 60 P 42, 24 Q 44, 00 R 44, C4 S 46, 20 T 46, E4 U 60, 40 V 62, 04 W 62, 60 X 64, 24 Y 66, 00 Z 66, C4

Now for some less useful but still fun codes:

010371D5 - Turns on Pokedex and Unown Pokedex

010F3EDC - Turns on all unown in the ruins (Like finishing all puzzles) 01000BD8 - Turns the platforms by the puzzles back on so you can redo them. Ok, found the one I was missing again: 01??24DC -

Changes first spot in Unown Pokedex 01??25DC 01??26DC 01??27DC 01??28DC - Changes 5th spot 01??29DC 01??2ADC 01??2BDC 01??2CDC 01??2DDC - Changes 10th spot 01??2EDC 01??2FDC 01??30DC 01??31DC 01??32DC - Changes 15th spot 01??33DC 01??34DC 01??35DC 01??36DC 01??37DC - Changes 20th spot 01??38DC 01??39DC 01??3ADC 01??3BDC 01??3CDC - Changes 25th spot 01??3DDC - Changes 26th spot A - 01 B - 02 C - 03 D - 04 E - 05 F - 06 G - 07 H - 08 I - 09 J - 0A K - 0B L - 0C M - 0D N - 0E O - 0F P - 10 Q - 11 R - 12 S - 13 T - 14 U - 15 V - 16 W - 17 X - 18 Y - 19 Z - 1A

Note: By filling all 26 spots the game thinks that you've filled the pokedex and allows you to use the printer in the Alph Ruins Research place, there doesn't have to be a full set of the alphabet. Caution!!! Don't go putting anything higher than 1A into any of these codes. While 1B does work fine (the icon is a diamond and the text is gibberish) the rest will crash your game, reset your time and mess up your mailbox and the Battle yourself section of Viridian city. However in my case it also gave me almost all the room decarations so that was pretty odd.

Okay, this is gonna get REALLY LONG. but ok. here is ur start pkmn mod. 01??04d0 01??23da 01??2ada

just put the digits of the pkmn u want in all the ?? spots. Note it is not a good idea 2 use this code with the code to take all three starter from Professor Elm unless U only use it w/the first pokemon u get!!!!

Poke'dex with all 251 caught: First 200 Pokemon 01FF04DC 01FF05DC 01FF06DC 01FF07DC 01FF08DC 01FF09DC 01FF0ADC 01FF0BDC 01FF0CDC 01FF0DDC 01FF0EDC 01FF0FDC 01FF10DC 01FF11DC 01FF12DC 01FF13DC 01FF14DC 01FF15DC 01FF16DC 01FF17DC 01FF18DC 01FF19DC 01FF1ADC 01FF1BDC 01FF1CDC 201-251 01FF1DDC 01FF1EDC 01FF1FDC 01FF20DC 01FF21DC 01FF22DC 010723DC

Color and Spirit mods.: 01XX5DD0 - Character 01XX03D2 - Colors 010C09D2 -

Makes you in certain position 02 - On Bike (Just looks like it) 05 - Professor Oak 06 - Ash 07 - Gary 10 - Professor Elm 1F - Lt. Surge 21 - Koga 3C - Scientist 0B - Kurt (That pokeball guy) 16 - Chuck 19 - Claire 37 - Nurse Joy (Weird when walking up) 35 - Team Rocket Member 36 - Female Team Rocket Member (Cassidy) 0F - Gary's Sister 0C - Your Mom F6 - Rival 1A - Brock 1D - Misty 34 - Surfing Pikachu 2F - Old Man 30 - Old Woman 11 - Will 41 - Blackbelt 46 - Captain of S.S. Aqua 4F - Lance's Dragonite F4 - Twin F5 - Swimmer 3B - Fisherman 1C - Bruno A3 - Lugia A2 - Ho-oh EF - Jigglypuff

Change pic color: 01xx03D2 Quantity digits: 00: Red clothes & normal skin 01: Blue clothes & normal skin 02: Green clothes & normal skin 03: Brown clothes & normal skin 04: Orange clothes & normal skin 05: Greyish clothes & normal skin

01XXEED0 Fill in XX with a variable of a pokemon with the catch pokemon modifier to change color. If you want your pokemon to be like a Raichu's color use Raichu's variable. Only works in battle tho.

Weid/Cool codes:

Hope you can read fast as I've tracked down the text speed in Pokemon G/S. Once you start the code all the text in the game will appear instantly rather than slowly showing up. It still pauses so it's readable. The code stays working until you either change your text speed or restart the gameboy (the fast speed doesn't save Here's the code: 010099D1

more codez:

Enemy Attached Item Code: 01XXFDD0

Can be used either before or during battle.

Name & ID Codes for Pokemon GS:

ID Modifier: 01XXA1D1 01XXA2D1

Name Modifier: 01XXA3D1 01XXA4D1 01XXA5D1 01XXA6D1 01XXA7D1 01XXA8D1 01XXA9D1

Here are the codes to change the Original Trainer's name on the first Pokemon. Use the digits used for Changing their nickname in these slots. 01XX4ADB 01XX4BDB 01XX4CDB 01XX4DDB 01XX4EDB 01XX4FDB 01XX50DB

Here are the enemy skill modifier codes: 01XXF1D0 01XXF2D0 01XXF3D0 01XXF4D0 -01xxF6CA- Pokemon you battle's name modifier (1st letter) 01xxF7CA-2nd Letter 01xxF8CA- 3rd Letter 01xxF9CA- 4th Letter 01xxFACA- 5th Letter 01xxFBCA- 6th Letter 01xxFCCA- 7th Letter 01xxFDCA- 8th Letter 01xxFECA- 9th Letter Replace xx with: 00- A , 01-B, 02- C, 03-D, and so on (count in hex). 1C- : , 1D- ; , 1E- [ , 1F- Space, 5A- DONT DO, 5B- PC, 5C-TM, 5D-Trainer, 5E-Rocket

Turn your trainer into a girl: 0154FFD1 (to make the code semi-premint save the game with code on). to turn him back into a dude/guy/Default triner use either the Digits: 00 (or) 01, instead of 54, or lose your character so he'll revrt (back) to normal.


TM's-(FD-?)there are 50 TM's

Pokemon-(01-97 old,98-FB new)

The code to steal or take the last Pokemon is this-0100BAD7 you can take them all at the beginning if you wish.But it kinda messes up the game when you do this code.

Room Decoration Modifier Codes 9 Upper Left Corner 01??60D9 10 Poster by Door 01??5CD9 * 11 Lower Left Corner 01??59D9 12 In Front of TV 01??5DD9 13 Left Side of Shelf 01??5ED9 14 Right Side of Shelf 01??5FD9 *=10 - Town Map 11 - Pikachu Poster 12 - Clefairy Poster 13 - Jigglypuff Poster Only use these to put on the wall,or it will mess up your game. Upper Left Corner 1A - Giant Snorlax Doll 1B - Giant Onix Doll 1C - Giant Lapras Doll Lower Left Corner 02 - Feathery Bed 03 - Pink Bed 04 - Polkadot Bed 05 - Pikachu Bed 07 - Red Carpet 08 - Blue Carpet 09 - Yellow Carpet 0A - Green Carpet 0C - Magnaplant 0D - Tropicplant 0E - Jumboplant In Front of TV, Left Side of Shelf, & Right Side of Shelf 15 - NES 16 - Super NES 17 - Nintendo64 18 - Virtual Boy 1E - Pikachu Doll 1F - Surfing Pikachu Doll 20 - Clefairy Doll 21 - Jigglypuff Doll 22 - Bulbasaur Doll 23 - Charmander Doll 24 - Squirtle Doll 25 - Poliwag Doll 26 - Diglett Doll 27 - Staryu Doll 28 - Magikarp Doll 29 - Oddish Doll 2A - Gengar Doll 2B - Shellder Doll 2C - Grimer Doll 2D - Voltorb Doll 2E - Weedle Doll 2F - Unown Doll 30 - Geodude Doll 31 - Machop Doll 32 - Tentacool Doll 33 - Gold Trophy 34 - Silver Trophy

Enhance Genes (for 1st Pokémon (in party) slot) A.k.a. change gender of Pokémon in slot 1:

Male 01FF3FDA 01FF40DA

Female 011F3FDA 01FF40DA

Pokémon Is Shiny (slot 1) 01EA3FDA 01EA40DA or 01EAFDA 01AA40A

Infinite Park Balls 0114C3D9

Infinite Time In Bug Catching Contest 011393D1

Able To Get All 3 Starter Pokémon From Prof. Elm 0100BAD7 s:

Catch Wild Pokemon-01xxEDD0 (01-97 old,98-FB new) 01 - Bulbasaur 02 - Ivysaur 03 - Venusaur 04 - Charmander 05 - Charmeleon 06 - Charizard 07 - Squirtle 08 - Wartortle 09 - Blasttoise 0A - Caterpie 0B - Metapod 0C - Butterfree 0D - Weedle 0E - Kakuna 0F - Beedrill 10 - Pidgey 11 - Pidgeotto 12 - Pidgeot 13 - Rattata 14 - Raticate 15 - Spearow 16 - Fearow 17 - Ekans 18 - Arbok 19 - Pikachu 1A - Raichu 1B - Sandshrew 1C - Sandslash 1D - Nidoran (F) 1E - Nidorina 1F - Nidoqueen 20 - Nidoran male 21 - Nidorino 22 - Nidoking 23 - Clefairy 24 - Clefable 25 - Vulpix 26 - Ninetails 27 - Jigglypuff 28 - Wigglytuff 29 - Zubat 2A - Golbat 2B - Oddish 2C - Gloom 2D - Vileplume 2E - Paras 2F - Parasect 30 - Venonat 31 - Venomoth 32 - Diglett 33 - Dugtrio 34 - Meowth 35 - Persian 36 - Psyduck 37 - Golduck 38 - Mankey 39 - Primeape 3A - Growlithe 3B - Arcanine 3C - Poliwag 3D - Poliwhirl 3E - Poliwrath 3F - Abra 40 - Kadabra 41 - Alakazam 42 - Machop 43 - Machoke 44 - Machamp 45 - Bellsprout 46 - Weepinbell 47 - Victreebell 48 - Ventacool 49 - Tentacruel 4A - Geodude 4B - Graveler 4C - Golem 4D - Ponyta 4E - Rapidash 4F - Slowpoke 50 - Slowbro 51 - Magnemite 52 - Magneton 53 - Farfetch'd 54 - Doduo 55 - Dodrio 56 - Seel 57 - Dewgong 58 - Grimer 59 - Muk 5A - Shellder 5B - Cloyster 5C - Gastly 5D - Haunter 5E - Gengar 5F - Onix 60 - Drowzee 61 - Hypno 62 - Krabby 63 - Kingler 64 - Voltorb 65 - Electrode 66 - Exeggcute 67 - Exeggcutor 68 - Cubone 69 - Marowak 6A - Hitmonlee 6B - Hitmonchan 6C - Lickitung 6D - Koffing 6E - Weezing 6F - Rhyhorn 70 - Rhydon 71 - Chansey 72 - Tangela 73 - Kangaskhan 74 - Horsea 75 - Seadra 76 - Goldeen 77 - Seaking 78 - Staryu 79 - Starmie 7A - Mr. Mime 7B - Scyther 7C - Jynx 7D - Electabuzz 7E - Magmar 7F - Pinsir 80 - Tauros 81 - Magikarp 82 - Gyarados 83 - Lapras 84 - Ditto 85 - Eevee 86 - Vaporeon 87 - Jolteon 88 - Flareon 89 - Porygon 8A - Omanyte 8B - Omastar 8C - Kabuto 8D - Kabutops 8E - Aerodactyl 8F - Snorlax 90 - Articunno 91 - Zapdos 92 - Moltres 93 - Dratini 94 - Dragonair 95 - Dragonite 96 - Mewtwo 97 - Mew 98 - Chikorita 99 - Bayleef 9A - Meganium 9B - Cyndaquil 9C - Quilava 9D - Typhlosion 9E - Totodile 9F - Croconaw A0 - Feraligatr A1 - Sentret A2 - Furret A3 - Hoothoot A4 - Noctowl A5 - Ledyba A6 - Ledian A7 - Spinarak A8 - Ariados A9 - Crobat AA - Chinchou AB - Lanturn AC - Pichu AD - Cleffa AE - Igglybuff AF - Togepi B0 - Togetic B1 - Natu B2 - Xatu B3 - Mareep B4 - Flaaffy B5 - Ampharos B6 - Bellossom B7 - Marill B8 - Azumarill B9 - Sudowoodo BA - Politoed BB - Hoppip BC - Skiploom BD - Jumpluff BE - Aipom BF - Sunkern C0 - Sunflora C1 - Yanma C2 - Wooper C3 - Quagsire C4 - Espeon C5 - Umbreon C6 - Murkrow C7 - Slowking C8 - Misdreavus C9 - Unown CA - Wobbuffet CB - Girafarig CC - Pineco CD - Forretress CE - Dunsparce CF - Gligar D0 - Steelix D1 - Snubbull D2 - Granbull D3 - Qwilfish D4 - Scizor D5 - Shuckle D6 - Heracross D7 - Sneasel D8 - Teddiursa D9 - Ursaring DA - Slugma DB - Magcargo DC - Swinub DD - Piloswine DE - Corsola DF - Remoraid E0 - Octillery E1 - Delibird E2 - Mantine E3 - Skarmory E4 - Houndour E5 - Houndoom E6 - Kingdra E7 - Phanpy E8 - Donphan E9 - Porygon2 EA - Stantler EB - Smeargle EC - Tyrogue ED - Hitmontop EE - Smoochum EF - Elekid F0 - Magby F1 - Miltank F2 - Blissey F3 - Raikou F4 - Entei F5 - Suicune F6 - Larvitar F7 - Pupitar F8 - Tyranitar F9 - Lugia FA - Ho - oh FB - Celebi

Change the Level of Pokemon-01xxFCD0

These 2 codes might be for Japanese only Always fight Male Pokemon-010519D1 Always fight Female Pokemon-0104191

Happiness Code-01xx45DA (FF-high,00-low)this code also works to hatch your eggs faster, just use this 010945DA

Buying items in stores Code-01xxEDCF to 01xxF5CF (this depends on how many spaces there are in the store buying column,just use 01xxF1CF for the smaller stores)

Changing your attacks





Learn all moves at any level 010536D1

Reset the unown puzzles 01000BD8

The unown puzzles are finished 010F3EDC

Have 6 moves 0106DACE

Fast talking 010099D1

Pokemon locations modifier 01XX51D1 ( put in the digits of the pokemon you want to find. Then check your map and The map will show you were that pokemon is)

Slow cut up music 017308C0

Trainers only have 1 pokemon to battle with 010155DD

Slow music 01F407C0

Invisible people 010180FF

Bunny ears mode 010102C3

Hall of fame modifiers

Slot 1 01XX0EC5

Slot 2 01XX1EC5

Slot 3 01XX2EC5

Slot 4 01XX3EC5

Slot 5 01XX4EC5

Slot 6 01XX5EC5

Skill Modifier Replace xx with: 02 - Karate Chop 03 - Double Slap 04 - Comet Punch 05 - Mega Punch 06 - Pay Day 07 - Fire Punch 08 - Ice Punch 09 - Thunder Punch 0A - Scratch 0B - Vice Grip 0C - Guillotine 0D - Razor Wind 0E - Swords Dance 0F - Cut 10 - Gust 11 - Wing Attack 12 - Whirl Wind 13 - Fly 14 - Bird 15 - Slam 16 - Vine Whip 17 - Stomp 18 - Double Kick 19 - Mega Kick 1A - Jump Kick 1B - Rolling Kick 1C - Sand Attack 1D - Head Butt 1E - Horn Attack 1F - Fury Attack 20 - Horn Drill 21 - Tackle 22 - Body Slam 23 - Wrap 24 - Take Down 25 - Thrash 26 - Double Edge 27 - Tail Whip 28 - Poison Sting 29 - Twin Edle 2A - Pin Missile 2B - Leer 2C - Bite 2D - Growl 2E - Roar 2F - Sing 30 - Supersonic 31 - Sonicboom 32 - Disable 33 - Acid 34 - Ember 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Mist 37 - Water Gun 38 - Hydro Pump 39 - Surf 3A - Ice Beam 3B - Blizzard 3C - Psybeam 3D - Bubblebeam 3E - Aurora Beam 3F - Hyper Beam 40 - Peck 41 - Drill Peck 42 - Submission 43 - Low Kick 44 - Counter 45 - Seismic Toss 46 - Strength 47 - Absorb 48 - Mega Drain 49 - Leech Seed 4A - Growth 4B - Razor Leaf 4C - Solar Beam 4D - Poisonpowder 4E - Stun Spore 4F - Sleep Powder 50 - Petal Dance 51 - String Shot 52 - Dragon Rage 53 - Fire Spin 54 - Thundershock 55 - Thunderbolt 56 - Thunder Wave 57 - Thunder 58 - Rock Throw 59 - Earthquake 5A - Fissure 5B - Dig 5C - Toxic 5D - Confusion 5E - Psychic 5F - Hypnosis 60 - Meditate 61 - Agility 62 - Quick Attack 63 - Rage 64 - Teleport 65 - Night Shade 66 - Mimic 67 - Screech 68 - Double Team 69 - Recover 6A - Harden 6B - Minimize 6C - Smoke Screen 6D - Confuse Ray 6E - Withdraw 6F - Defense Curl 70 - Barrier 71 - Light Screen 72 - Haze 73 - Reflect 74 - Focus Energy 75 - Hide 76 - Metronome 77 - Mirror Move 78 - Selfdestruct 79 - Egg Bomb 7A - Lick 7B - Smog 7C - Sludge 7D - Bone Club 7E - Fire Blast 7F - Waterfall 80 - Clamp 81 - Swift 82 - Skull Bash 83 - Spike Cannon 84 - Constrict 85 - Amnesia 86 - Kinesis 87 - Softboiled 88 - Hi Jump Kick 89 - Glare 8A - Dream Eater 8B - Poison Gas 8C - Barrage 8D - Leech Life 8E - Lovely Kiss 8F - Sky Attack 90 - Transform 91 - Bubble 92 - Dizzy Punch 93 - Spore 94 - Flash 95 - Psywave 96 - Splash 97 - Acid Armor 98 - Crabhammer 99 - Exposion 9A - Fury Swipes 9B - Bonemerang 9C - Rest 9D - Rock Slide 9E - Hyper Fang 9F - Sharpen A0 - Conversion A1 - Tri Attack A2 - Super Fang A3 - Slash A4 - Substitute A5 - Struggle A6 - Sketch A7 - Triple Kick A8 - Thief A9 - Spider Web AA - Mind Reader AB - Nightmare AC - Flame Wheel AD - Snore AE - Curse AF - Flail B0 - Conversion2 B1 - Aeroblast B2 - Cotton Spore B3 - Reversal B4 - Spite B5 - Powder Snow B6 - Protect B7 - Mach Punch B8 - Scary Face B9 - Faint Attack BA - Sweet Kiss BB - Belly Drum BC - Sludge Bomb BD - Mud - Slap BE - Octazooka BF - Spikes C0 - Zap Cannon C1 - Foresight C2 - Destiny Bond C3 - Perish Song C4 - Icy Wind C5 - Detect C6 - Bone Rush C7 - Lock - On C8 - Outrage C9 - Sandstorm CA - Giga Drain CB - Endure CC - Charm CD - Rollout CE - False Swipe CF - Swagger D0 - Milk Drink D1 - Spark D2 - Fury Cutter D3 - Steel Wing D4 - Mean Look D5 - Attract D6 - Sleep Talk D7 - Heal Bell D8 - Return D9 - Present DA - Frustration DB - Safeguard DC - Pain Split DD - Sacred Fire DE - Magnitude DF - Dynamicpunch E0 - Megahorn E1 - Dragonbreath E2 - Baton Pass E3 - Encore E4 - Pursuit E5 - Rapid Spin E6 - Sweet Scent E7 - Iron Tail E8 - Metal Claw E9 - Vital Throw EA - Morning Sun EB - Synthesis EC - Moonlight ED - Hidden Power EE - Cross Chop EF - Twister F0 - Rain Dance F1 - Sunny Day F2 - Crunch F3 - Mirror Coat F4 - Psych Up F5 - Extremespeed F6 - Ancientpower F7 - Shadow Ball F8 - Future Sight F9 - Rock Smash FA - Whirlpool FB - Beat Up

Item Modifier/Quanity Codes 1 Total Item Number Modifier [Note 1] 01??B7D5 2 Item Modifier 1st Position 01??B8D5 3 Infinite Quantity 1st Position 0163B9D5 4 Item Modifier 2nd Position 01??BAD5 5 Infinite Quantity 2nd Position 0163BBD5 6 Item Modifier 3rd Position 01??BCD5 7 Infinite Quantity 3rd Position 0163BDD5 8 Item Modifier 4th Position 01??BED5 9 Infinite Quantity 4th Position 0163BFD5 10 Item Modifier 5th Position 01??C0D5 11 Infinite Quantity 5th Position 0163C1D5 12 Item Modifier 6th Position 01??C2D5 13 Infinite Quantity 6th Position 0163C3D5 14 Item Modifier 7th Position 01??C4D5 15 Infinite Quantity 7th Position 0163C5D5 16 Item Modifier 8th Position 01??C6D5 17 Infinite Quantity 8th Position 0163C7D5 18 Item Modifier 9th Position 01??C8D5 19 Infinite Quantity 9th Position 0163C9D5 20 Item Modifier 10th Position 01??CAD5 21 Infinite Quantity 10th Position 0163CBD5 22 Item Modifier 11th Position 01??CCD5 23 Infinite Quantity 11th Position 0163CDD5 24 Item Modifier 12th Position 01??CED5 25 Infinite Quantity 12th Position 0163CFD5 26 Item Modifier 13th Position 01??D0D5 27 Infinite Quantity 13th Position 0163D1D5 28 Item Modifier 14th Position 01??D2D5 29 Infinite Quantity 14th Position 0163D3D5 30 Item Modifier 15th Position 01??D4D5 31 Infinite Quantity 15th Position 0163D5D5

1 01 - Master Ball 02 - Ultra Ball 03 - Bright Powder 04 - Great Ball 05 - Poke Ball 06 - N/A 07 - Bicycle 08 - Moon Stone 09 - Antidote 0A - Burn heal 0B - Ice heal 0C - Awakening 0D - Paralyze heal 0E - Full Restore 0F - Max Potion 10 - Hyper Potion 11 - Super Potion 12 - Potion 13 - Escape Rope 14 - Repel 15 - Max Ether 16 - Fire Stone 17 - Thunder Stone 18 - Water Stone 19 - N/A 1A - HP Up 1B - Protein 1C - Iron 1D - Carbos 1E - Lucky Punch 1F - Calcium 20 - Rare Candy 21 - X Accuracy 22 - Leaf Stone 23 - Metal Powder 24 - Nugget 25 - PokeDoll 26 - Full Heal 27 - Revive 28 - Max Revive 29 - Guard Spec. 2A - Super Repel 2B - Max Repel 2C - Dire Hit 2D - N/A 2E - Fresh Water 2F - Soda Pop 30 - Lemonade 31 - X - Attack 32 - N/A 33 - X - Defend 34 - X - Speed 35 - X - Special 36 - Coin Case 37 - Item Finder 38 - N/A 39 - Exp. Share 3A - Old Rod 3B - Good Rod 3C - Silver Leaf 3D - Super Rod 3E - PP UP 3F - Ether 40 - Max Ether 41 - Elixer 42 - Red Scale 43 - Secret Potion 44 - S.S.Aqua Ticket 45 - Mystery Egg 46 - N/A 47 - Silver Wing 48 - MooMoo Milk 49 - Quick Claw 4A - Poison Cure Berry 4B - Gold Leaf 4C - Soft Sand 4D - Sharp Beak 4E - Paralyze Cure Berry 4F - Burnt Berry 50 - Ice Berry 51 - Poison Barb 52 - King's Rock 53 - Bitter Berry 54 - Mint Berry 55 - Red Apricorn 56 - Tiny Mushroom 57 - Big Mushroom 58 - Silver Powder 59 - Blue Apricorn 5A - N/A 5B - Amulet Coin 5C - Yellow Apricorn 5D - Green Apricorn 5E - Cleanse Tag 5F - Mystic Water 60 - Twisted Spoon 61 - White Apricorn 62 - Black Belt 63 - Black Apricorn 64 - N/A 65 - Pink Apricorn 66 - Black Glasses 67 - Slowpoke Tail 68 - Pink Bow 69 - Stick 6A - Smoke Ball 6B - Never - Melt Ice 6C - Magnet 6D - Miracle Berry 6E - Pearl 6F - Big Pearl 70 - EverStone 71 - Spell Tag 72 - Rage Candy Bar 73 - N/A 74 - N/A 75 - Miracle seed 76 - Thick Club 77 - Focus Band 78 - N/A 79 - Energy Powder 7A - Energy Root 7B - Heal Powder 7C - Revival Herb 7D - Hard Stone 7E - Lucky Egg 7F - Card Key 80 - Machine Part 81 - N/A 82 - Lost Item 83 - Star Dust 84 - Star Piece 85 - Basement key 86 - Pass 87 - N/A 88 - N/A 89 - N/A 8A - Charcoal 8B - Berry Juice 8C - Scope Lens 8D - N/A 8E - N/A 8F - Metal Coat 90 - Dragon Fang 91 - N/A 92 - LeftOvers 93 - N/A 94 - N/A 95 - N/A 96 - Mystery Berry 97 - Dragon scale 98 - Berserk Gene 99 - N/A 9A - N/A 9B - N/A 9C - Sacred Ash 9D - Heavy Ball 9E - Flower Mail 9F - Level Ball A0 - Lure Ball A1 - Fast Ball A2 - N/A A3 - Light Ball A4 - Friend Ball A5 - Moon Ball A6 - Love Ball A7 - Normal Box A8 - Gorgeous Box A9 - Sun Stone AA - Polkadot Bow AB - N/A AC - Up - Grade AD - Berry AE - Gold Berry AF - Squirt Bottle B0 - N/A B1 - Park Ball B2 - Rainbow Wing B3 - N/A B4 - Brick Piece B5 - Surf Mail B6 - Lite Blue Mail B7 - Portrait Mail B8 - Lovely Mail B9 - Eon Mail BA - Morph Mail BB - Blue Sky Mail BC - Music Mail BD - Mirage Mail BE - N/A BF - TM 1 - Dynamic Punch C0 - TM 2 - Headbutt C1 - TM 3 - Curse C2 - TM 4 - Rollout C3 - TM 4 - Rollout (not a typo. It shows up twice.) C4 - TM 5 - Roar C5 - TM 6 - Toxic C6 - TM 7 - Zap Cannon C7 - TM 8 - Rock Smash C8 - TM 9 - Psych Up C9 - TM 10 - Hidden Power CA - TM 11 - Sunny Day CB - TM 12 - Sweet Scent CC - TM 13 - Snore CD - TM 14 - Blizzard CE - TM 15 - Hyper Beam CF - TM 16 - Icy Wind D0 - TM 17 - Protect D1 - TM 18 - Rain Dance D2 - TM 19 - Giga Drain D3 - TM 20 - Endure D4 - TM 21 - Frustration D5 - TM 22 - Solar Beam D6 - TM 23 - Iron Tail D7 - TM 24 - Dragon Breath D8 - TM 25 - Thunder D9 - TM 26 - Earthquake DA - TM 27 - Return DB - TM 28 - Dig DC - TM 28 - Dig (not a typo. It shows up twice.) DD - TM 29 - Psychic DE - TM 30 - Shadow Ball DF - TM 31 - Mud - Slap E0 - TM 32 - Double Team E1 - TM 33 - Ice Punch E2 - TM 34 - Swagger E3 - TM 35 - Sleep Talk E4 - TM 36 - Sludge Bomb E5 - TM 37 - Sand Storm E6 - TM 38 - Fire Blast E7 - TM 39 - Swift E8 - TM 40 - Defense Curl E9 - TM 41 - Thunder Punch EA - TM 42 - Dream Eater EB - TM 43 - Detect EC - TM 44 - Rest ED - TM 45 - Attract EE - TM 46 - Thief EF - TM 47 - Steel Wing F0 - TM 48 - Fire Punch F1 - TM 49 - Fury Cutter F2 - TM 50 - Nightmare F3 - HM 1 - Cut F4 - HM 2 - Fly F5 - HM 3 - Surf F6 - HM 4 - Strength F7 - HM 5 - Flash F8 - HM 6 - Whirlpool F9 - HM 7 - Waterfall FF - Nothing 1 50 - NULL (End of Name REQUIRED Where It Is Used!) 60 - BOLD A (Not Available On Name Screen) 61 - BOLD B ( " ) 72 - BOLD P ( " ) 80 - A 81 - B 82 - C 83 - D 84 - E 85 - F 86 - G 87 - H 88 - I 89 - J 8A - K 8B - L 8C - M 8D - N 8E - O 8F - P 90 - Q 91 - R 92 - S 93 - T 94 - U 95 - V 96 - W 97 - X 98 - Y 99 - Z 9A - ( 9B - ) 9C - : 9D - ; 9E - [ 9F - ] A0 - a A1 - b A2 - c A3 - d A4 - e A5 - f A6 - g A7 - h A8 - i A9 - j AA - k AB - l AC - m AD - n AE - o AF - p B0 - q B1 - r B2 - s B3 - t B4 - u B5 - v B6 - w B7 - x B8 - y B9 - z BA - é BB - 'd BC - 'l BD - 's BE - 't BF - 'v E1 - PK E2 - MN E4 - 'r E5 - 'm E6 - ? E7 - ! EF - Male Symbol F0 - Currency Symbol (P with Horizontal Slashses) F1 - x (Multiply) F2 - . (Period) F3 - / (Division) F4 - ,(Comma) F5 - Female Symbol F6 - 0 F7 - 1 F8 - 2 F9 - 3 FA - 4 FB - 5 FC - 6 FD - 7 FE - 8 FF - 9 1 00 - Monday 01 - Tuesday 02 - Wednesday 03 - Thursday 04 - Friday 05 - Saturday 06 - Sunday 1 00 - 12 Nite 01 - 01 Nite 02 - 02 Nite 03 - 03 Nite 04 - 04 Morn 05 - 05 Morn 06 - 06 Morn 07 - 07 Morn 08 - 08 Morn 09 - 09 Morn 0A - 10 Day 0B - 11 Day 0C - 12 Day 0D - 01 Day 0E - 02 Day 0F - 03 Day 10 - 04 Day 11 - 05 Day 12 - 06 Nite 13 - 07 Nite 14 - 08 Nite 15 - 09 Nite 16 - 10 Nite 17 - 11 Nite

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