Cool Codes

Battle Any Pokemon XX = 01 - FF Use existing modifier list for names of Pokemon


Hyper Beam on First Position


Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 1) XX=

01: Rhydon 02: Kangaskhan 03: Nidoran Male 04: Clefairy 05: Spearow 06: Voltorb 07: Nidoking 08: Slowbro 09: Ivysaur 0A: Exeggcutor 0B: Lickitung 0C: Exeggcute 0D: Grimer 0E: Gengar 0F: Nidoran Female 10: Nidoqueen 11: Cubone 12: Rhyhorn 13: Lapras 14: Arcanine 15: Mew 16: Gyarados 17: Shellder 18: Tentacool 19: Gastly 1A: Scyther 1B: Staryu

5th Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position


4th Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position


6th Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position


Fossilized Pokemon in Cinibar Island

0101A3D7 01XX10D7

Change Monster Pic


Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 6) XX=

90: Persian 91: Marowak 93: Haunter 94: Abra 95: Alakazam 96: Pidgeotto 97: Pidgeot 98: Starmie 99: Bulbasaur 9A: Venusaur 9B: Tentacruel 9D: Goldeen 9E: Seaking A3: Ponyta A4: Rapidash A5: Rattata A6: Raticate A7: Nidorino A8: Nidorina A9: Geodude AA: Porygon AB: Aerodactyl AD: Magnemite B0: Charmander B1: Squirtle B2: Charmeleon B3: Wartortle B4: Charizard B9: Odish BA: Gloom BB: Vileplume BC: Bellsprout BD: Weepinbell BE: Victreebel

Funny Beat Music= 013AB7C0

Jazzy Music= 0141B6C0

Beats Music= 01910AC0

Messed Up Music =011908C0

Slow Beat =0115B6C0

Occasional Wrong Note =013967C0

Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 4) XX=

55: Raichu 58: Dratini 59: Dragonair 5A: Kabuto 5B: Kabutops 5C: Horsea 5D: Seadra 60: Sandshrew 61: Sandslash 62: Omanyte 63: Omastar 64: Jigglypuff 65: Wigglytuff 66: Eevee 67: Flareon 68: Jolteon 69: Vaporeon 6A: Machop 6B: Zubat

Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 3) XX=

2E: Parasect 2F: Psyduck 30: Drowzee 31: Golem 33: Magmar 35: Electabuzz 36: Magneton 37: Koffing 39: Mankey 3A: Seel 3B: Diglett 3C: Tauros 40: Farfetch'd 41: Venonat 42: Dragonite 46: Dodou 47: Poliwag 48: Jynx 49: Moltres 4A: Articuno 4B: Zapdos 4C: Ditto 4D: Meowth 4E: Krabby 52: Vulpix 53: Ninetales 54: Pikachu

Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 2) XX=

1C: Blastoise 1D: Pinsar 1E: Tangela 21: Growlithe 22: Onix 23: Fearow 24: Pidgey 25: Slowpoke 26: Kadabra 27: Graveler 28: Chansey 29: Machoke 2A: Mr. Mime 2B: Hitmonlee 2C: Hitmonchan 2D: Arbok

Egyptian Music 01A034FF

No Sound 01440FC0

Funny Fast Beat Music 017A0AC0

Really Weird Music 018908C0

Weird Beat 017807C0

Distorted Music 012808C0

Capture Pokèmon Modifier 01XXD8CF

Fight Selected Pokemon In Every Battle 01XXD8CF

Rival's starting Pokemon 01XX15d7

1st Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position 01XX64D1

2nd Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position


3rd Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position 01XX66D1

Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 5) XX=

6C: Ekans 6D: Paras 6E: Poliwhirl 6F: Poliwrath 70: Weedle 71: Kakuna 72: Beedrill 74: Dodrio 75: Primeape 76: Dugtrio 77: Venomoth 78: Dewdong 7B: Caterpie 7C: Metapod 7D: Butterfree 7E: Machamp 80: Golduck 81: Hypno 82: Golbat 83: Mewtwo 84: Snorlax 85: Magikarp 88: Muk 8A: Kingler 8B: Cloyster 8D: Electrode 8E: Clefable 8F: Weezing

Fight Prof. Oak!= 01E2D8CF

Have Mew= 011564d1

Protect Status= 010018d0

ElectaBuzz= 0135d8cf

Bring SS Anne Back= 01001208

Level 99 Pokemon= 016327d1

Fight Mew in every battle= 0115d8cf

Rarecandy in 1st position =01281ed3

Never Miss= 01ffd6cf

Infinite Money= 019947D3- 019948D3- 019949D3

No Random Fights= 01033cd1

Infinite Health= 01ff16d0

Infinite PP= 01282dd0- 01282ed0- 01282fd0- 012830d0

My favorite pokemon.