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The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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30.4.2000 How about a little "rare-card" history today.  Pictured here is the famous Birthday Pikachu card.  This card was widely available in Japan inside a 1999 - 2000 wall calendar.  In the upper left hand corner of the card, it says "The 2nd Anniversary", as the card and the calendar were actually printed in 1998, two years after the introduction of the game.  This level 17 Pikachu is actually not called Birthday Pikachu!  It is really named: "_____'s Pikachu".  As the owner of the card, you would put your name on it, and it would be your Pikachu.  The attack does 30+ damage, with this effect:  If it is your birthday, you flip a coin.  If heads, the attack does 50 more damage.  This card is banned from tournament play in Japan.  So I think it is highly unlikely we'll see it reprinted in America, at least not with the exact same attack anyway.  Although it isn't the rarest of Pokemon cards, it certainly is highly sought-after here in the United States.  
Source: Http://pojo/
29.4.2000 Well, I didn't even know this until today, but the TCG Pokémon League started about three weeks ago in the UK. All you have to do is find a local store near you and attend the special events they have there. You earn points by playing the card game, winning your games, trading cards, helping a gym leader etc.

After only finding out about it today, I was already 3 weeks late. Let's just say I had a lot of catching up to do to try and earn enough points for the Boulderbadge. So today I played like crazy, and boy was it fun. If you like the card game, then find a League near you! It's definitely worth the travel.
29.4.2000 So I managed to get my hands on a copy of Revelation Lugia [subtitled of course]. I must say that this movie was absolutely superb! Except for a lot of bad use of computer graphics, the movie was almost perfect! Intriguingly, at the end of the movie Jurirudan finds the infamous Mysterious Mew TCG Card and takes an interest into it [perhaps a set up for another movie]. Like Mewtwo Strikes Back, Revelation Lugia was an excellent movie in Japanese; let us hope that the same doesn't happen to it as what happened to MSB when it was dubbed.
28.4.2000 Exclusive Pokemon products will be a homerun hit at 15 Major League Baseball stadiums across the nation throughout the 2000 season. Each limited edition collectible will feature a customized team logo and the date of the game. The exclusive give-aways launched April 16 at the Philadelphia Phillies game where the first 12,500 children who entered Veteran’s Stadium received a Special Edition Pokemon Collectible Dog Tag.
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The Psychic Pokemon Connection

Source: Http://pojo/
    25.4.2000 Wow! More pointless Pokémon merchandise! Bensussen Deutsch & Associates [whoever they are] are giving 15 Major League Baseball teams Special Edition Pokémon Collectible Dog Tags and Trading Card Holders. What these are for I have no idea, but they will be distributed to people as an 'exclusive giveaway' through the course of the season. Just sounds like another collector's rush to me!

On another note, it looks like the Brits over here and our neighbours in Europe are becoming more obsessed than I had hoped... Apparently, the Topps trading cards are so popular in Europe, that the expected total sales in the first 3 months would be $70 million! Now, is that not total worldwide domination in it's own form??

24.4.2000   This is the hottest American card since Base Set 1 Charizard, and just as cool looking.  More details are coming out about this card (thanks to the plethora of email we are getting).  The card is only available as a holofoil.  This card is not Super Rare.  The odds of getting a Dark Raichu in a booster pack are the same as getting any other specific foil card in a Team Rocket booster pack.  Approximately one out of every 54 booster packs will have a Dark Raichu.  The odds are then approximately 1.85% you'll get one in any given pack.  Fans are reporting the card is available in unlimited boosters too, not just first edition. 

     Keep an eye out for a misprinted Dragonite in your Team Rocket sets.  Deck Mechanic Bret Larwick, who was lucky enough to visit the Official Team Rocket release Party at Mall of America in Minnesota, fills us in:
        Source: Http://pojo/
     "In the Team Rocket expansion, a few very lucky trainers might find an ultra rare misprint in their booster pack!  Shortly after the machines began to prepare the latest set, an error was noticed on the non-holographic Dark Dragonite card.  Instead of listing the card number of the set as 22/82, it lists it as 5/82 (the number of its holographic counterpart).  Wizards quickly corrected this error, but those misprints that were already packaged are out there somewhere. Mike Boozer, Customer Service Manager and Master Trainer, showed us this valuable card and informed us that 4000 of them are in existence.  So make sure if you get a non-holographic Dark Dragonite, check the numbers in the lower righthand corner!"

    24.4.2000 About 50 press releases today announced that Hasbro has become the #1 toy maker in the US; because of Pokemon! Pokemon helped boost the companies earnings by 10%. Play-By-Play, a company in Canada has just earned the rights to release Pokemon Plush Dolls. Why kind of plush dolls will they be, hopefully not something that looks hideous like the Banpresto UFO Plushes. Meanwhile, Pokemon: The First Movie continues to be up in the ranks in European theatres.

Back in London, British teachers have accused Pokemon Manufacturers of fueling obsessions that can lead to violence [what else is new, a little late in noticing don't you think?]. With so many crimes reports relating to the Pokemon TCG, they have many complaints. Many schools have banned the cards, but Wizards of the Coast continues to support their product. <sarcasm> You know what else? Fox News Network has just discovered that Video games lead to violence! Who would have ever thought! </sarcasm> I don't believe that games lead to violence, it's just another cop out for a bad social climate.

22.4.2000  Dark Raichu is very real!!!  I was very skeptical the first few days we saw this card floating around the Internet.  I refused to let Jackie post this in the news.  Why?  There are some guys who are simply awesome at creating fake cards, and they have fooled us in the past.  Well, we just opened a box of 1st Edition Team Rocket, and in utter amazement, we pulled this Foil Dark Raichu!!!  This is the scan of our card.  Good luck getting one of your own!  The card is simply beautiful, and is indeed number #83 of 82!   

Did you get your 1st Edition Team Rocket Boosters today?  They are now in stock at many stores.  We got some at an official WOTC store this morning.  There were a couple hundred people in line with us.  It took us an hour to get to the cash register.  The first person in line said he got there 3 hours before the store opened.  Not me ... I like to sleep.  :-)

      Source: Http://pojo/
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