Part 2 of Kindness and Cruelty.

By Jenn L

email comments or suggestions to : (be nice, this is my first FanFic and I have no idea what I'm doin. :-) )

Summary: Mewtwo point of view on his time in the lab, what was done to him and why he views humans and other pokemon the way he does. This is sort of a Pre-quell to the Movie.

Disclaimer: Mewtwo, Giovanni and Persian belong to umm whoever the heck is making the money off of them and I in NO way claim them as my own; I am merely borrowing them cause I have an imagination and would like to elaborate on Mewtwo's life. The scientists and doctors such as Neumar, Usher and Stranton are from my own design.

Rating: PG for some language and uncomfortable situations.

I wake up on my side, feeling nauseous and groggy. I can tell they've upped the dosage on the drugs. I'm strapped to the exam table arms, legs, even my head and tail are pinned down. I try to move, but a sharp excruciating pain in my back stops me. << aaaugh!! >>

A cold callous voice speaks from behind me. "Stop yer whining you big wuss. I'm just taking a spinal tap. Squirm and I sever your spine." Usher jabs the needle deeper into my back as if daring me to move. "I don't care whether you live or die."

<< No, but Giovanni will be upset; according to all the talking I hear in the lab. >> I snarl. << You wouldn't kill me. You can't kill me, > 

A snort. "You think I give a damn about you or this project? Hell no. I have my money and as long as Giovanni keeps paying me to test on you; I'll do it by God, I'll test on you until there's nothing left to test." He twists the needle in my back. I cry out mentally in pain, trying to thrash my legs. A strange tingly numbness floods thru my tail and legs. I hear Usher curse suddenly.

"Holy Geeze  Mewtwo!! Agh! Gross!" He jerks back suddenly taking the needle with him. "Nice going you stupid freak! You just peed all over me!" I hear him move towards the supply closet, unzipping his pants and taking off his shoes. "Thank God I keep extra clothes here. Arg, gross.. Your gonna pay for peein on me Mewtwo!"

I lie there miserable and humiliated, unable to move. << It is your fault Usher.. you did something to my back. I cannot control what I can't feel. Your the one to blame. >> The feeling is slowly returning to my lower back and legs. I wrinkle my nose and sigh feeling that my legs and tail are soaked. 

Usher returns to the table, he mops up the mess." Your seriously gonna pay for that you sick freak!" Taking the handle of the mop he jams the end right into the base of my tail. I jerk and again I get a tingly sensation in my legs, accompanied by a burning sensation. He hits me again and again with the mop until I can feel the welts rising on my back and sides. A few times he hits me in the head and arms. I lie there, feeling the power stir, feeling it trying to break free of the inhibitor drugs. He breaks the mop and starts hitting me with the broken end, drawing blood in some spots. I open my mouth to cry out; he laughs as he sees me writhing in pain. << Emily.. >> I call for her, but I know she is gone.

"Yer lil girlfriend aint here Mewtwo.. she was put on two week suspension. Which means you get to be dealing with me for the next couple of weeks." He throws the mop away. " She almost lost her job. But, since she is one of the leading pokemon therapists in the country she managed to stay in Giovanni's and Dr.Nuemer good graces." Walking over to my head he pats it with force. "Now, be a good kitty and lie there while I go do the paperwork on your results. Oh , and to make sure you don't go anywhere... " I hear him pick up the needle he jams it into my back once more, causing my whole body to go numb. My eyes widen with the pain, my heart pounds from the shock. 

<< You.. can't leave that .. in me.. >> I try to control my breathing, each lungful causes waves of pain and nausea. << Take.. it out... now.. >> I feel dizzy and sick, like I'm going to vomit up the liquids in my stomach. << I feel like I'm going to be sick >>

He just chuckles and moves for the door. "tsk tsk tsk.. poor baby can't stand a little pain. You throw up? I'll make you clean it. Now like I said, lie still and you'll be okay. I'll be back in a few hours." With that , he's gone. 

I fight to keep the stuff in my stomach down. I don't want to make it any worse than it is; and I know heaving will make the needle in my back hurt more. I want to moan or cry out, just to make myself feel better. Instead I try to count the tiles on the floor. I slowly start to fall asleep, in my mind I'm crushing Usher with a thought... 


<< What is happening to me? I feel things against my skin, brushing up against me.. briefly .. then it is gone... I hear muffled sound.. my powers are dulled.. useless.. my heart is the only thing I can hear... Emily... >> 


He finally did come back and take me back to the holding tank. It was all I could do to walk, each step was like walking on everything sharp that you could imagine. My breath came in short pants and I tried to whimper in pain. Usher merely jerked on the leash harder and made me walk faster. He was rather pleased with himself when he entered the lab. Dr.Nuemer and several of the others patted him on the back and congratulated him for controlling me so well. He stood there beaming, laughing and chatting with the other scientist while I stood there in pain and wanting a bath. No one commented on my abused state. They won't either, they'll just make some excuse as to how I got unruly and had to be punished to Giovanni. I suddenly fall to the ground, my legs unable to support me any longer.

<< AAAUGH!! >> I crash to the ground hard on my side. I lie there ready to give up, ready to just close my eyes and welcome the darkness that calls me. I just want to sleep, dreamless and pain free. Why can't I ?? 

I hear a sudden commotion around me, scientists scattering for their equipment and to get me back into the tank. They plunge needles into my neck and arms, IV's into my neck, arms, legs and stomach. They insert a feeding tube and catheter. I lie there unable to move. They know their losing me. I hope I die.......

4 Days Later ==================================

I'm in the tank again. Everything is uncomfortable and sticky. The liquid burns against the bruises and cuts. The spot on my back where he did the spinal tap is healing nicely. Must be my lucky day..I watch the goings on from inside my little prison. All of them meeting with Giovanni, discussing and explaining about my "unfortunate accident". Telling him lie after lie about how I got violent and had to be restrained. All covering for each other, laying layer upon layer of lie, like fine gauze over a wound. Covering up the ugly spot. The ugly spot that is me.

Giovanni sits in a large stuffed chair, his Persian still by his side. He glowers at Usher, Neumar and the rest as they smugly report about my supposed misdeeds. He says something, I can't really hear him. Something about Mew.. Mew? Is there another like me? No wait, he's saying something else. 

"I can't believe you fools let this get so out of hand!! I thought you were all top scientists? You act like first year residents to me!" He pats the Persian in the head, then continues to speak. " You lose this one and I'll see that your funding for your "personal projects" are cut. Do you all understand me?"

They all nod vigorously. Usher throws me a nasty glance as if to say "No matter what, your still mine." I close my eyes again trying to sleep. I just want to see Emily... when is she coming back?? 


<< Bright light!! It hurts my eyes... The sun.. ?? no.. a artificial light... Those voices again.. and out.. in and out... I can almost make out what they are saying... almost.. why can't... can't I hear them.. ?? Why won't anything make sense anymore?!


The scientist have done all they can to make my existence a living hell. They do not hit me, but torture me in other ways; experiments. Usher and Neumar are the worst. They bring me to places, rooms. Once in there I can't get out, no matter how hard I try, use my abilities. I manage to destroy an entire lab though, I was rather proud of the fact. Pyrokinesis is a handy little tool. I also managed to give one of the scientists 3rd degree burns; I am told that they are not sure if he will survive, they do know that he will never speak or see again.

I think they are discovering I am starting to tolerate less. They are starting to discover that the I am becoming accustomed to the inhibitor drugs. They are currently designing a collar that will completely disable my powers. I heard Usher speaking with Giovanni about it the other day....

"A collar Mr. Giovanni. Plain and simple. We can control him a lot better with the device. We've tested it on high level Alakazams and other Psi pokemon. We think it will work for Mew2 and his aggressive behavior. After what he did to Dr. Bastion, I don't think we want to take the chance in revisiting that. I can still smell that poor guys skin in there. We're going to have to have that lab destroyed." His voice is excited and I can tell that he's really pushing for the collar. "We can also control him a lot better too, Giovanni sir. His aggressive behavior and his attitude. He's attacked several of our scientists and assistants."

Giovanni replies, sounding bored and disinterested. "Do what you have to Dr.Usher, whatever gets him to obey. I don't care. This is taking too long and is costing me more than I would like to have put out. His aggression and behavior must be curbed now. Dr. Stranton returns in a few days... see that she has the reports she needs and see to it that she is watched when she exercises Mewtwo. I am not paying you to screw up." I hear his foot steps echo down the hall as he leaves.

Usher comes back into the room where I am crouched in a corner glaring at Usher. << Come to take your anger out on me Usher?? >> I gouge at his anger, hoping to send him into a rage.

"Forget it Mewtwo.. Giovanni says your mine." He smirks at me as I sit crouched in the corner watching him warily. He taps the collar on his leg. "Now, come here so I can put this on." He unfastens the large metal clasp and holds the collar open for me. I remain where I'm at and glower at him.

<< NO. >>

"Listen to me you freak. I'm not tolerating your crap. Don't make me get the guards to hold you down while I put this on!! I'll punish you until you can't move Mewtwo!! " I know he's not bluffing. But I remain where I crouch.

"Touch him Dan and I'll kick your butt myself." That voice!!! I jerk to my feet to see Emily standing at the door a look of rage on her face. "Give me the collar Dan." She holds out her hand and I move to her side and hug her.

<< Emily.. Dr. Stranton.. >> I bury my face in her shoulder and hair happy that she is here. I know she won't make me wear the collar. << I'm glad you are back.. >> I lean back to look at her face.

My smile fades as I see her holding the collar, with one fluid motion, she snaps it on around my neck, thru the odd loop that connects between my head and my shoulders. I stagger back as all my mental powers are suddenly dampened to the point of making me dizzy. << Emily.. ?? >> I feel betrayed.

Emily gives me a sad smile. "I had to Mew2, I read the reports. You've hurt people and we can't risk you hurting anyone else. Please, don't be mad at me Mew2, I just want what's best for you."

I move away from her slowly feeling as if I've been slammed in the chest with a sledgehammer. She speaks as if being fed the lines. I go back to crouching in the corner, feeling so betrayed and hurt. << Emily... they hurt me.. they .. Usher.. Neumar.. they did things to me.. >> I lift my arms pleadingly to her.

She sighs. This isn't how I thought her return would be like. I thought it would be different, somehow I took solace in that thought the whole time she was gone. Usher stands with a self satisfied grin on his face, leaning against a counter, arms crossed. "Mewtwo.. things have to change. You have to stop being so aggressive. I've read the reports. Now listen to me, I'm your therapist. NOT your friend. " She stands up and points for the tank. "It's time for you to go back in Mewtwo."

I stare dumbly at Emily, slowly I stand up. She quickly snaps the leash onto the collar and leads me back to the tank. I'm inside and hooked up before I even realize it. My mind still whirling from what just transpired. << Emily.. why.. >> 

"It's Dr. Stranton Mewtwo; I am Dr. Stranton." With those words she turns and quickly walks from my tank. I stare through the glass at the warped figures move about. I fall into a troubled sleep.


The next several weeks were like a nightmare. Emily only took me out of the tank a couple hours a day once a week. When she did take me out, she only spoke to me professionally. Succinct and to the point. I tried hard to make conversation, to ask her what she did during her suspension, if she saw anything interesting. She would barely even look at me. 

<< Emily, please... talk to me.. I.. have missed you these past few weeks. I have been lonely for conversation. Dr.Usher and Neumar ... they.. >> I trail off not wanting to admit how much they hurt me, how much I had wished she'd been there to stop them. I reach out to touch her wrist, to get her attention.

She jerks back from me as if I might hurt her with my touch. "Mewtwo!! You are not doing as you are supposed to.. Why are you bothering me with questions?! You only have 2 hours a day to exercise.. now I suggest you put them to good use. Understand me?" She goes back to her laptop, they keys clacking away angrily.

I stand there a few more moments, wondering what just happened, what I did to make her so angry with me. << Emily.. Dr. Stranton.. I.. those reports they filed were false.. most of them.. I would have thought you'd have known that. I would have thought you smarter to realize that I have done all I can to do as they ask! To keep them from hurting me.. >> 

She slowly looks up from her notebook. "Times wasting Mewtwo, you need your exercise."

I slam my tail on the ground and shove my face into hers, knocking aside the laptop. << Why are you like this?! Why are you treating me like them!! What have I done to deserve this punishment other than be created?! I did not chose this life!! It was chosen for me.. and I'M being punished!! >>

She shoves her hands into my face and pushes me back, I back up unwillingly and glare at her. "Mewtwo, your pushing my patience. I think it's time for you to go back. You've had enough exercise for today, and I've had enough of your attitude." Picking up the laptop she snaps on the leash and leads me back to the holding tank. I follow behind her for a few feet, then stop. The sudden stops causes her to jerk back suddenly. She spins and I can see anger on her face. I cross my arms and glower at her, with all the will I can muster.

"Dammit Mewtwo!!! Your really asking to be punished aren't you!!! Stop being a jerk and move your butt!!"

<< NO. Not until you tell me why your being like this. Why your not.. why your acting like them.. short of torturing me.. although your words and attitude suggest your near joining "their" ranks. It's been weeks since you have been back; you have hardly spoken to me, hardly looked at me. I thought.. thought you were my friend.. >> I trail off looking at my feet, the tiles on the floor.

She jerks on the leash, but I remain still and unmoving. "I tried to be nice to you Mewtwo, but you used my kindness." She speaks to me but I tune her voice out. I can pick up her thoughts although it is difficult with the inhibitor collar. She is trying to tell me something but the message is garbled and confusing, I feel liquid drip from my nose ; I look in surprise to see my nose bleeding. I look at Emily and she shakes her head* "Mewtwo, you shouldn't use your powers while the collar is on; you'll just end up hurting yourself." With that she turns and leads me back to the tank.

Usher and Neumar are waiting when we return, holding the IV's, Feeding tube and Catheter in hand. I cringe seeing the feeding tube and catheter. << Can.. I stay out of the Tank.. just for tonight? >> It is a simple request, they could simply lock me in one of the rooms for the night. They've done it before several times, and with the inhibitor collar, I can't do anything but use my telepathy to speak.

Neumar and Usher look at me and then burst out laughing, Emily shakes her head and sighs. "Mewtwo, just do as they say, you need to be in the tank. Now let them do their jobs." I notice she tightens her grip on the leash. I stand utterly still.

Neumar motions for me to lower my head, even though I am only about six and a half feet, she is short for her species, standing about 4 feet. I lower my head and open my mouth to take the tube. Holding the tube, she puts a light lubricant on it. Without waiting for me to ready myself she inserts the tube down my throat, the tapered edge gouging at my esophagus. My whole body tenses as she continues to feed the tube down my throat. << Stop!! It is in wrong.. >> I try to tell them by they ignore me. << Emily.. tell her.. tell her it's cutting me.. >> 

Emily reaches to stop Neumar, he places a hand on the tube. "He says your hurting him, Dr.Nuemer, please be more careful with the subject." Her tone is soft and quiet. No threat in it what so ever.

Neumar merely nods and finishes inserting the feeding tube; taping it into place she reaches for the catheter next. Moving to the other end of my body she steps over my tail lifting it up slightly; instinctively I kick out with a foot. I hear a solid "thunk" as my foot connects with her chest. I hear her fly back silently and hit the ground. Breathing through my nose I turn my head to see what happened. I hear a scream just as I turn my head to see Neumar, dead on the ground; her chest caved in from my kick.

It is amazing how fast humans can move, on minute there is hardly anyone around, the next minute they are all over the place, yelling, pointing and basically running about like morons. The whole time Emily stares at me in fear. Her grip on the leash slackens until she lets go. I stand there choking on the feeding tube, barely able to breath. I stand in shock myself to see Neumar, the head scientist dead on the ground, blood pouring from her nose and mouth. Glazed eyes staring dumbly at the ceiling.

Emily backs away from me, as do several others. Meanwhile the guards pour on from several doorways to surround me, all pointing various weapons at my head and chest. I stand there knowing that I could possibly be destroyed for this, half expecting to be killed in the next few minutes. << I.. I did not mean to .. I don't like the catheter.. >> I stammer my lame sounding excuse. That will be on my epitaph, "he didn't like catheters" I lower my head, the tube still hurting, I can taste blood, feel it trickle down my throat making me want to gag and cough. 

They place Neumar's body on the gurney and roll her out. Usher turns to face me with a nearly pale face, only two spots on his face are flushed in crimson. His cheeks, I can see a vein throb just above his temple. When he speaks it sends shivers up my spine. He's going to kill me, I can see it in his eyes. "I'll finish hooking him up and set him in the tank.. Dr. Stranton, please see to it that Dr. Neumar family is notified of her unfortunate death.. " 

He grabs the IV's and deliberately starts inserting them into my arms, legs and neck, not caring if he hits the veins or not. I wince in pain not saying a word. Next comes the catheter; jerking up the base of my tail he inserts the catheter with such force I stagger forward, hitting the wall. The pain forces me to pass out. The last thing I see is Emily watching me with a stony look.


End Chapter 2.
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