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Kill all Pokemon!!!!!!


6/15 (12:37 a.m. wow). Hey, this is the original owner of the site. In case you haven't realized the complete change in grammar and style of language, this site is under new ownership. But that's not why I'm posting this. It's because I am apologizing for the full happy collection of not-alive links. Maybe the pokemon got them, or the pokemon killed the links by making them watch pokemon reproduce by splitting into twos or threes like 1-celled organisms. Whatever the cause, they are dead, done, gone, kicked the bucked, Rest In Broken Links, caput.

6/11. Another link has been added to the Links page! This is a site by someone who goes by the name "Alex." It's got a whole ton of stuff, so go visit it! A slightly more in-depth description can be found on the Links page.

5/28. We have a new addition to the downloads page! It's a sound bit called "Pokemon Confessions" and it was made entirely by E-Chan. I found it funny, and I'm sure you will too. Please look for it on the d/l page. You'll need winzip, but you can get it at Enjoy!

5/15. Hello. I'm *really* sorry I didn't update in a hell of a long time. I've been getting lax, but now I think I have found a way to budget some time. This site will now be co-managed by Katie Cox, who I am sure will put all sorts of Anti-Pokemon paraphernalia on this site. Thank you all for bearing with me, and I promise I will be better at updating my site in the future.

We are still accepting all material from all you pokemon haters! Anything you want!! Maybe you're a person who wants to make a few suggestions. Or you're a bed-wetting pokemon lover who wants to send me a weak hate mail. Or if you have a perverse mind and are good at computer graphics, go ahead and e-mail me your wonderful creations. You will get 100 percent full credit for your work. E-mail everything to

Coming soon are some anti-pokemon MP3's. They will be on the downloads page and, contrary to popular belief, do NOT require a special MP3 player for your computer. If you have Windows Media Player or anything remotely close to that then you'll be able to play them fine. If anyone has some good ones, please e-mail them to me or tell me where to get them. You'll be given full credit for your efforts. Thanks.

Things to expect soon:

Other parts of my site:

pictures and sprites of all Pokemon!!!
Good EMAIL to use
