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"97" MiTsUbIsHi EcLiPsE "GsX"


I wanna say thanx to every 1 for hittin my homepage. I know dat its all missy and everythin cuz its under A Huge Construction YO. I'm really new at dis and I aint got no 1 helpin me out. I'm gonna be workin on dis page for awhile. I hope u all can at least give me some props for makin it dis far. Well, dats bout it...

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My FaVoRiTe ThInGs BoUt LiFe...

  • Da ClOcK tIcKs...... YuP iT dOeS aNd It GoEs PuRtY DarN fAsT....
  • ChAlleNgIn In MaNy WaYz..... EzPeCiAllY wHeN sTaRTiN nEw ReLaTiOnShIPs...
  • AnD LaSt... LiFeS fUn DePeNdiN hOw U mAkE oF iT...

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RuN-To Go PeAk SoMe PiX........
RuN-To PeAk My 411.........
RuN-To PeAk BoUt My StyLe oF CaRz.......