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Hello, and welcome to my page. Its a sort of Role play Real life site, and i'm still working on it, but try out the corner, it's interesting.. I hope you all enjoy.

THis is my newest addition to my page, Writers Corner! Check it out!

My TRK links

Vaporeon's Pokemon Site
My best friends site
Vipers awsome DBZ page
The Eon Club

My music collection

I think this is some of the best midis on the net. I have alot of ff7 and anime midis. But hey, dont take my word for it, judge for yourself.

Jenova's theme in ff7
sephiroth's theme
A cool anime song
I dunno but I like it
phantom of the opera
another cool anime midi
realy cool song a friend gave me
smithy from marioRPG
a ff7/marioRPG midi
a cool song from the 80's
sephiroth's last form.(it gets better)
cid in ff7's theme
You Only Live Twice
theme to halloween
mini boss theme in ff7
if you've played ff, you've heard it
Gost Riders
Green Onions
mkre song
My Old Theme

Check this out! its my photo album of people that dress like me!

Click Here

Here is a picture of me.

Hello everyone. I have learned allot recently. What trust means, what a true friendship is. I have found out that life can be a good or bad thing, depending on the way you use it. And that in life, its better to have friends than enemies, and a true friend is someone that sticks with you forever, that don't leave you cause your not popular anymore or something bigger and better comes along. And I have found out what true friendship is in TRK. It has truly changed my life, I hope it does the same for you. Thank you for visiting me my page, god bless. Jordan a.k.a. Jnco

The Psychic Pokemon Connection