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The Manor - Home to the Belmonte Family

The sprawling estate owned by the Belmonte family is set on wooded acres as well as vast open plains. It was once used for farming back when the family used it as a summer home. The open acreage is used now for horse breeding and training, as well as a large, open space for weapons training and the skills of battle.

There are gardens surrounded by high walls of ivy that cling to old, dead trees and some still laden with fruit. A fresh river runs through the land, fed by a waterfall which can be heard the closer you come to the house. Near the river is a natural hotspring fed by an underground cavern.

Though the land is immense and the house is large, the only people who live there are Kat and Destiny. They often have company, but the expanse of their home remains unused. They enjoy their roomy abode, and since many of the rooms are not used, the entire house is fully furnished. They use their dance hall for a weapons room. This room is filled with different types of weapons and books on the same.

When her father was alive, duels would to be held in the great hall. There he would test his warrior's ability and loyalty with death matches which was a pass-time she greatly enjoyed sharing with him, watching while sitting atop his knee as a young girl. She was brought up to love the bloody scenes....and deep down, she still does.

The manor also has a family graveyard and the foundation lies upon cursed lands that produce dark energy itself. While living on these lands, her ability to change quickly and abruptly into her demon form is inversely proportional to that of her patience. She grows angrier with each passing day, turning more into the woman she was when she lived with her father, the savage killer, rather than the woman her friends know her as these days...

The lands seem to breath with dark energy, the land itself seeming alive and evil... There is a constant shadow over the house that gives it an eerie aura.


Destiny Belmonte