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X-Men Poems by Kybimon

X-Men Poems


All is quiet,Darkness falls upon this land.
A howl pierces the air, followed by another.
A man and his wolves run wildly across the plains, hunting their prey.
This man is who runs with the wolves, is nethier human or beast.
He has been shunned society, he is outcast, a loner one might say.
He finds solitude only when he is with his wolves,
Only then he can truly be himself.
His wild sprit has been released, behold the wolverine.
my claws streak out.
and what else can i feel.
cold and heartless doubt.
plated on stainless steel.
im a walking weapon.
only designed to kill.
they destroyed me and turned me beast.
but not from my free will.
i want to live a normal life.
because knowing what they have done.
there's no man left in me.
By: Firestone


Fatal opctic.
Tension high.
Packing death.
Behind each eye.
Shielded by red.
Urgent to get free.
Packing all the pressure, completely killing me.
By: Firestone


The taste of blood.
How sweet it is.
The pain, The fear.
I crave it,I need it.
I will not stop.
Nor will I ever.
Until i die,let it be known throughout the land.
The Sabertooth is comeing.
By: Wolvie_Gal

Lady Deathstrike

 My life they took from me.
They made me feel pain,They made me suffer.
But not anymore.
Now its there Turn.
They will feel my wraith.
For i am the lady of death.
Feel the power of Lady Deathstrike.
By: Wolvie_Gal


Ace, King, Queen, Jack.
The more they charge the stronger i am when i fight back.
As you can see my eyes are red as dark and deep as the blood i shed.
Gambit 's the name. 
By: Wolvie_Gal

**NOTE** These poams were donated by x-men fans, Please E-mail Me if you wish to use them, and i will ask. Also if you would like to send your poems in, please e-mail me and inclued your Name, Name of The mutant and your e-mail address. Thank you.

