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This Webpage took like no time at all!  I'm not doing anything complex, but this is still ridiculously easy.
Sorry, that aside, let's get to the actual webpage. \/ \/ \/ read this before reading too far into my webpage \/ \/ \/
WARNING: This site is not going to be amusing. I can guarantee that.  Everything I write is probably going to be depressingly morbid.  Welcome to my world.  I'm cold, logical, and I've got a serious problem with mood-swings.

For the moment, I'm sorry I don't have any music pieces, images, or even links.  You must understand, I created this page in the last 10 minutes.
I do have a background though.

First update (from school): Poetry page!
Click here for my musings.
Next, I hope to have an 'about Wyrdryn' page, but that will be saved for my first update from home.

Another update, again from school: My various other writings (dreams or short stories)
go here.
It seems, and it's a shame, that the only time I get off my tail to do things on my webpage is when I'm stuck at school.

This webpage, and all associated source code, is ©Ryan Pannbacker.