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As Your Words Flow


Ruth Y. Nott

Whatever you say, wherever you go,
someone is listening as your words flow.
The person you are, the views you share,
the love you have that shows you care...
it all comes forth in what you say
or what you write along the way.
So, be creative, be gentle and kind,
be bold or adventurous, but always find
a way to show love, and faith, and hope
in a world where so many just can't cope.
Never allow the words you share
to hurt or anger, defy or dare.
Treat others as you would want to be treated.
Say nothing to make them feel defeated.
Build them up. Don't tear them down.
You too may need friends as life turns around.
So let your words smile, and laugh, and play;
then save a few, and kneel, and pray!
