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I sit and cry over shit I can't control or change.
All these people that I see bringing me down.
Can't seem to change shit or bring myself back.
Where's all this worth that everyone talks about?
Where in my mind is this sanity that I seek?
Where is this perfect world that were supposed to create?
Where are her arms when I need someone to hold?
Where is my mind when I need it most?
Why must I lie to save the friendships that I hold dear?
Why must I sit here all alone crying and fearing the world?
Shit keeps pouring down like never before
Just when everything should be right it all goes wrong
Where is the bridge that I seek where I can see the cars below?
How far must I fall before this wretched misery will ever end?
How did my life get this fucked up and out of our of control?
What happened to the will of steel that I used to have?
Where did all of these tears come from? Why do they stream down my face?
Why must I watch my friends breakdown and end this life?
Where do the crossroads meet so I can get off this god damn path?
Why must I sit as each of my friends tears themselves farther from me?
Why must I sit as each of my friends tears themselves farther from life?
Why is it that my head just gets foggy as these drugs carry me away?
Why must I take this shit just to forget the pain and misery I carry?
Why do these pills call me back and the forty keeps finding my hand?
When will all this shit end and all the lies stop?
My life is no longer my own to control I do as others see fit
My life is not worth a shit it's a meaningless existence that will bear no fruit
I am but a burden to the world sucking up it's resources and draining it's life.
When will this miserable existence that I call a life cease to be?
You know I can't end it on my own I'm just too god damn weak
You know I can't ask for help I'm just too damn stubborn and stupid.
You know that I have to sit here and cry and endure this all on my own.
Where did all of this shit begin? Who was there to start it off?
Why would they do this to us? Create a world full of hate and misery
Shun us off and cast us down the road to deception and depravity
Why has the world come to this where we fear not god but each other?
I wish this train would continue forward and smash my car into a thousand pieces
I know this world will return to the way it was once I am gone and have stopped killing it
I know my life is less than worthless because I do far more harm here than good.
I know I'm useless in the "grand scheme" and my place here is no more important that an ant or a
grain of sand.
When this dwindling twilight ceases to be where will I go which direction am I to travel?
When the sun dawns upon another day where will I be at and where I am I to go from there.
It's all pointless there's nothing there to think about because wherever I am I shall always be myself,
useless, and pathetic.
God please strike me dead in some freak accident through which you will open the doors to hell
because I am beyond repenting and am doomed already before my life has even ended no amount of
praying will save my soul and no amount of sorrow will ever open the gates of heaven to the likes of me
and to the twins I will burn for what I've done and I truly am sorry for what I have done.
