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A World Between Worlds

A World Between Worlds ~ November 7, 2002

I walk on the sands of time
The wind's gentle fingers wind around my hair
I look out at the ocean
That never ends

Finally I see
A light so bright I can feel it
The burning is within me
I cannot pacify myself

I am alone
But am I?
The winds of change
Creep along like a pet

They could be free
I could be free

The fires of hell now burst up
Up! Up! Into flame!
This once peaceful earth
Consumed in hatred and greed

I cannot escape
How I try
The words hold me back
I am imprisoned

This world that I have come to love
Now full of evil and darkness
I had been so happy
Now it is all history

The creatures of his evilness
Try to capture
What is left inside of me

Clutching at my throat
They want to take my soul
Or kill me

Either way I am doomed
Doomed for all eternity
To watch the innocent fall
To his might

Is there a ray of hope
And light?
Is there anything left
That might convince me?

Of course not
There is nothing left
We are all decided
Where we will go

My place is hell
Why was I chosen?
I was not evil
I loved my neighbor

I am cast
Cast to slavery
I see my friends

Why have you done this to us?
We are not greedy!
We are not right for this place
Between life and death

For it is not hell
It is someplace much worse
We are not alive
We are not dead either

What is this place?
This strange world that is not our own
The place where dreams are dashed
Swung at, destroyed

There will be no more dreaming for us
We are not important to this earth
The world that I loved
I will never see again

Scientifically we are ghosts
But what is science?
What are ghosts?
The living dead

They are against us
Look at their evil eyes
Staring…always staring

Why have we been banished here?
This wasteland that is nothing
A desert of the worlds
A horrible barricade to keep us insane

Am I insane?
Well I really don’t think that’s necessary
To call me a name
I am tired of your endless prattle

Of how I could have been better
I could have salvaged myself
Could have worshiped more
Have sung a song

Why? May I ask?
Must I do all of these things?
To get noticed?
To be spared?

None of that worked!
Because you see
You did all of that

And for what?
You think you’re so wonderful
But now you understand
You’re in the same place as me

- Connie Redfield

"Writing is the best talent you can have, because no one can teach it to you, you just have to have it."
-Ryan McGinnis


Find the element of your soul...
My Favorite Riddle
