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This is the one and only authorized

* July the 31st - August the 1st:
Eh, seems that I got fooled once again: the guy who played me the
so-called "Worms demo-tapes" actually was a fake. His blueprints
were Worms-inspired as he´s a long-time fan of the group and even
belonged to the "family" some time in the nineties, but the upcoming
album - that still is on its way - is BY NO MEANS GOING TO BE
THAT I DESCRIBED EARLIER (not that it´s bad but NOT WORMS...)
The guy is a DJ and a sci-fi/fantasy cartoon artist and he´s done some
album covers for local bands and I knew him from that so maybe that´s
why he managed to fool me. The tapes he played me weren´t Worms but
his own ambient disco mix of Santana´s "Abraxas" album. Well the tracks
were totally mutilated and overlaid with other stuff that you can´t actually
recognize it on the first hearing unless you´re a big Santana fan - which
I´m not. The opening instrumental that I described as "reminding me of
some classic rock tune" not only resembles one - it is. It is "Samba pa
ti" sped up some ten per cent, heavily EQ´d, edited as hell and
overdubbed with a TR-808 -like drum loop to sound more contemporary.
There are also several other overdubs in it, including a part of Bootsy
Collins´ "Bootsy and the beast" during the interlude and a small part of the
famous finnish singer Irwin Goodman´s "St Pauli ja Reeperbahn" looped
and built into the outro fade of the track. The track that´s sung in spanish
is "Oye como va" from the same Santana album. The guy had given it
an equally iconoclastic treatment with actually quite impressive results -
even I didn´t recognize the song. It´s a very strange mixture of the original,
this time with the opposite channels out of phase to create a "stereo test"
effect, and a VERY heterogenous collection of sound samples that make
up quite a chaotic whole. Ingredients include (thanks to Petri for his
detective work) the organ intro to "In-a-gadda-da-vida" by the Iron Butterfly,
"Love me like a reptile" by Motorhead, pieces of russian folk songs from a
singalong album by Ivan Rebroff, "Reach out, I´ll be there" by the Four tops,
"Ramble tamble" by the Creedence clearwater revival, "Kuusamo" by the
famous finnish singer Danny, "Old brown shoe" by the Beatles and so on.
On the tape there´s also a somewhat twisted version of "Black magic
woman" and some other tracks on the Santana album but do I need to
tell more? Sheer - eh - avantgarde. By the way rumour has it that the
upcoming album is going to be released by no less than NOKIA
ELECTRONICS. I heard that some Nokia company bigwig had
decided during his midlife crisis that they have to go anarchic so they
bought out the record label Ektro (not "Ektraverde" as I stated before) and
all their future projects. Maybe you could even have "Border" in your cell
phone in the near future. Now that would be something!

* July the 12th. HOLY SMOKE !!!
I invested a significant part of my social security
money into a crate of a beer and a few bottles of brandy
and this turned into a BARGAIN:
I managed to bribe the Worms´ upcoming new album´s cover
artist to tell me all about the project!
First he showed me some cover blueprints for the album.
and the cover will be absolutely filthy!
Another bottle of brandy drunken he even played a
DEMO TAPE FOR ME! And the music is totally surprising!
Long, introvert instrumental passages, moody vocals
PLUS extra percussion added to the normal drums,
guitars, bass setup - latin or afro-cuban influence, one could say.
Some songs had Hammond organ and even woodwinds, totally
new dimension to Worms´ music. Not sure if the set list
is correct as the guy was quite drunk but some song titles were:
"Surfer in the Twilight", "Sounds That Make Music Weep",
"Heyday for the Trash Guru", "Sing Song Wizzard".
The first one reminded me of some instrumental rock
classic with its nice sustaining and crying electric
guitar lead and soulful Hammond backing and pulsating
bongos/congas, another one was even sung in spanish and
in astonishing three-part harmonies. I´d never expect
stuff like this from Worms but hey - that´s why you
make new records in the first place:
to bring out new music and new ideas.

* July the 11th 2003. STOP PRESS! ATTENZIONE! HOT NEWS!
Worms, now four-piece (myself retired/vacationing, suffering from hearing problems)
will record an album of all new songs during the summer and autumn.
The record will be released later this year by the label EKTRAVERDE from the town of Pori,
related to guys from the group CIRCLE as far as I know.
Guys have given no info on the new songs, let alone a preview,
but rumour has it that the songs are MAGNIFICENT! So hold your breath, world!

* Oct. the 4th. Hello!
I just updated the biography with reports of the below gigs.
And then the bad news: still no photos or other fun stuff here.
I´ve been busy doing nothing in Helsinki since the gigs.
(Andy´s probably got some pics on the tUMULt pages.)

* Sept. 15th 2002: Hello again!
Worms will play another gig in Jyväskylä OCTOBER the 12th!
The venue is BAR 68 in the town center.

* Sept. 12th 2002: Yo´ ghurts all over!
I´m finally getting this website done, or parts of it.
Well this you knew from the context but the following is NEWS:
Worms is going to play A GIG in Helsinki OCTOBER the 18th!
The venue is CLUB FACTORY in Siltasaarenkatu, Hakaniemi.

peräsmiehen synty #6
peräsmiehen synty #6, the birth of fartman #6.