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My favorite things about Cape Breton

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Capebreton Site


A smile is a beautiful thing.

A smile is when you start to sing.

A smile is being together,

Any night in any weather.

A smile is being with the one you love.

A smile is looking at the blue sky above.

A smile is a very funny joke.

A smile is drinking an ice cold coke.

A smile is lying in your bed.

Dreaming of happy things ahead.

A smile is everywhere,

It's god from above that puts it there.


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Will This Really Bring Happiness

I dream of a home that I could have.

It certainly looks like serenity.

Walking up the powerful steps to grab,

Something that I feel inside of me.

Will happiness come going up the rail,

Or is it my minds fanasy,

Will life become what I prevail.

It won't be the home it will be from me.


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The best friend that I seek,

Is sitting on my lap.

The best friend that kissed my cheek,

Is quiet in his nap.

You can be gurmpy all day long.

My best friend is at my side,

Know matter what I do wrong.

Licking the tears of my cry.

To look in such an innocense face,

Would certainly bring delight.

Thoughts are gone of the rat race,

At least for another night.

To walk in the door with a wagging tail,

He's rushing to jump up high.

For this time you didn't fail,

For his love is as real as the sky.


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