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Be welcome to
The Wayfarer's Rest.

So you want to know about me.

--- You do, don't you? ---

I mean, you came to me, in effect.

     Go watch Conspiracy Theory, Armageddon, and The Fifth Element. Go read 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Atlas Shrugged, Brave New World, Cold Fire, The Wheel of Time Series, and The Coldfire Trilogy. Watch and read them all in succession, spend a night lying in bed thinking about how it all fits together, throw in a practical, analytical mind, and wrap it all up with a dreamer's heart. At that point, you're getting closer to me. Recipe might require years of fermentation, pain, joy, experience, and a whole hell of a lot of patience.

   I am unique. People tell me this now and then, and yes, I allow myself a little pride in being unique.
   I am varied; I can be unpredictable.
   ...but, some of me is unchanging.

     I'm often aloof. Should you pass me on the street, I may have a scowl or a look of sorrow on my face...more often sorrow, I would say. It takes much to make me genuinely angry, but when it happens, watch out.

"Beware the fury of a patient man."

      I don't put up with a lot. I can be very tolerant, but there are some things that I cannot stand. I will not compromise myself for anyone, so don't ask me to do so. Too many people are happy to ignore what is plain for whatever reasons they have; I am not one of these people.
"In matters of fashion, swim with the current.
In matters of principle, stand like a rock."

      I like to look good. There is not a brand I prefer or a certain look I go for...unless there's a "Kyle" look, then I go for that.
      I'm 6 foot 1 and I weigh around 150. I'm lean and I've been described as tall and strong. My hair is dark brown and shortish. My eyes are green, and blue, and brown, and whatever you see.

      If you know me, you know I am loving.

      Careful, I have a tendancy to cause others to open up to me, but if I've opened up to you, then you can count on me. Be my friend and I am a different person than the man you thought I was when we passed on the street.

