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Hey all, This site is generally about the obvious, Access 24/7 to the Deepest Darkest Regions of My Not So Secret Mind (through my writing). I will update as often as possible, and I will have lots more to come, so be prepared...... Well, I've bored you long enough, so I'm going to go now, enjoy yourself with what I have; please don't fear me TOO much, :-)......

*~{My Deepest Darkest Thoughts}~*

PS - Check out my Pictures..... There's not much now, But I will be sure to add more as soon as I can.

Johnny Bear / Johnny bear Performing

Ryan, Wil, and Rudy


*...My Dream...*

*My Baby*

!!! Ten New Toes !!!

PPS - I Added some a Whole New Page dedicated to Rogue

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