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My old Guestbook  

Your Name :   ANYA
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hi again, Wim & Sonja! THANK`S for visiting ANYA`S some months ago, and for the kind comments you left in my GB... ~ your web-place is all that GREAT...! Best greet`s from Anya in Norway c,) ANYA`S + WINNIE THE POOH PARAD(IS)E 2000+®
Your Name :   Shirley Frances Winskill
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hello from Shirley, in England, Thank you for visiting my Website and signing my Guestbook. Your own Website is great ! Best wishes from Shirley.
Your Name :   Turid
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hei. Tusen takk for hilsenen i min gjestebok, jeg synts du skriver flott å greit å forstå:-) Takk for at jeg fikk besøke din side. Håper at du forstår dette på Norsk. Welcom back to my place.I send you a thanks card for signing my guestbook, and
Your Name :   SunSmill@
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hallo daar ! Bedankt voor je bezoekje weer aan mijn page . Ik was er altijd op het net hoor :) Veel success met je homepage in dit nieuwe jaar en ook voor je familie !! Sunny Greetings !
Your Name :   Uwe
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Comments On My Web Site :   Pretty Homepage!!!! Many greetings out of sachsen send the flying caretaker. Goodbye Uwe
Your Name :   Patti Walbridge
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Comments On My Web Site :   Beautiful site! Visit mine, pass the catalog/website on, thanks!
Your Name :   Sarit
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Comments On My Web Site :   Thanks for signing my guest book, you have a cool site here :)
Web pages youd like to recomment : 
Your Name :   Camilla
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Comments On My Web Site :   Thanks for signing my gusetbook! Camilla
Web pages youd like to recomment :   
Your Name :   Don
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Comments On My Web Site :   Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Web pages youd like to recomment : 
Your Name :   georg
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Comments On My Web Site :   really a great site and great design ! greetings from vienna/austria !
Your Name :   SheiLLa
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hey Wim, thanks for visiting my homepage. Loved your website, especially the backgrounds! Keep up the good work. Greetings from Indonesia. HUGS _SheiLLa_
Your Name :   wendelin
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Comments On My Web Site :   Keep up the good work. Regards from Elvira and Wendelin, Germany!!
Your Name :   marvin d goldfarb
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Comments On My Web Site :   great site. please view mine to see Gods creatures describe themselves via poems & photos. ps please sign my guestbook.
Your Name :   Anthony
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Comments On My Web Site :   You have an interesting site. Keep up the good work. Greetings and best wishes from cold and snowy Canada.
Web pages you'd like to recomment :   
Your Name :   Leeann
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Comments On My Web Site :   Very nice web site and keep up the very good work!!!!
Your Name :   trevor-cooper
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Comments On My Web Site :   have not seen all the cliks yet but i'll be back
Web pages you'd like to recomment : 
Your Name :   andrena
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Comments On My Web Site :   thanks for dropping by, I have a 10 yr old son and it is very important to see where their guests come from... the original website where your daughter signed my guestbook is: take a peek wh
Your Name :   Anki
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Comments On My Web Site :   Thans for signing my guestbook - now I am on Your site again / Hugs from Anki - You are good in swedish
Your Name :   Turid Heimdal Sakariassen
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Email Address : 
Comments On My Web Site :   Thank you for signing my Guestbook.
Your Name :   Lillian
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hallo. Takk for besøket på min hjemmeside og for at du skrev deg inn i mitt gjestekart. Thank you for visit my homepage. God november måned. Vennlig hilsen Lillian
Your Name :   Anki
Your Web Page : 
Email Address : 
Comments On My Web Site :   Hello and thanks for signing my guestbook - I want too give You a gift but I don't find Your email on the site/anki
Your Name :   Brownie Troop 1190
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Comments On My Web Site :   Great site! Thanks for visiting us and for signing our guest map!!! -from the Brownies of Troop 1190 in Orlando, Florida, USA
Your Name :   germain
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Email Address : 
Comments On My Web Site :   You certainly did a lot of work here. I have to come back to finish going thru it. Thanks for sharing it. Greetings from Vinderhoute - Belgium
Your Name :   Graham Burchell (author)
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Email Address : 
Comments On My Web Site :   What a thoroughly splendid piece of webbery you have created here. Well done with this site and good luck with it!
Web pages you'd like to recomment :
Your Name :   Angela
Your Web Page :   Booklet
Email Address :   
Comments On My Web Site :   Hi Wim, I've still got to look through the rest of your site. I don't understand it all.[ lol ] I will add your site to my favourites page as it is just my taste. Have a look at my science and nature page if you visit. Good luck with the book.
Web pages you'd like to recomment : 
Your Name :   B R BANSAL
Your Web Page : 
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Comments On My Web Site :   Hi there, thanx for visiting me and a link to your beutiful webbie on my guestmap. I enjoyed being here.
Your Name :   Are Garmo
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Comments On My Web Site :   Thank`s for your visit at my HP,greetings from Norway!
Your Name :   happyface878(allie)
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Email Address : 
Comments On My Web Site :   I really luv it! Nice work! you go gurl!!!
Your Name :   Amanda
Your Web Page : 
Comments On My Web Site :   Uh... cool site. Thank ya for comin ta mine. :-)
Your Name :   Torleiv
Your Web Page : 
Comments On My Web Site :   Hello wim (44), sonja (38), and merel (8). I would like to let you know we have just visited your website. Thank you so much for inviting me to your home. You've done a great job. Keep up the good work. Keep up the good work and all the best!
Your Name :   Amanda
Your Web Page : 
Email Address :   
Comments On My Web Site :   Love the site thanks for going to mine!
Your Name :   Kayla
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Email Address :   
Comments On My Web Site :   Thank you for signing my guestbook, I like your website also.
Your Name :   Jari
Your Web Page :          
Email Address :   
Comments On My Web Site :   Hi, Greetings from Finland!
Your Name :   Cruzin
Your Web Page : 
Email Address : 
Comments On My Web Site :   Hey cool site... Wish I could speak Dutch. I have an Aunty that is Dutch but she lives in Australia. I live in New Zealand. Love the theme of your site. COOL! Catch!
Web pages you'd like to recomment : 
Your Name :   Norunn
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Comments On My Web Site :   I have to read that story when time allows it. Nice site. (vickie)
Your Name :   sunflower
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Comments On My Web Site :   Just want to say thanks for signing my GB =) Love the site..keep up the great work.. Happy Halloween =)
Your Name :   Annette
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Comments On My Web Site :   Heisann! Siden du skrev i gjesteboken min, skriver jeg i din! Jeg synes du er veldig flink i norsk forresten! Keep up the good work! Kos og klem fra meg /.-)
Web pages you'd like to recomment :   um...i dunno... there are a lot of pages out there...check out mine if you wanna learn something about Norway... take care
Your Name :   joe schaffer
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Comments On My Web Site :    I enjoyed visiting your great and unique website!