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Afhaimeis, Wolfs, (Far off). Goth. Military, investigator, geographer, pilot.

Born 2010. Spain.


Sparks, v. Richthofen, communications officer, electronics tech­nician,

Born 2008 Chicago.


Flame, O'Connor. Communications officer, Linguistics, pilot, martial arts. 

Born 2012 Killarney, Ire­land.


Maniac 2 Computer.

Awareness reached. 2015 Bloemfontijn. SA.


MacLeod, Captain of the Zeppelin. Zeppelin schools, technician, aviation, meteorology, etc. 

Born 1998 Tubbermory, Mull, Scotland.


Heisenberg, cat,

Born 2031


Gizmo, cat,

Born 2031.


The Cook. 2001 Lhassa, Tibet.


Australians both Air force of Australia, 

Born   2011



Ermanaric. Goth, Scientist, Astrophysics, planetary sciences, Seismology.

Born 2000 Crimean Russia.



C­rew of first Mars flight.                                                                                                          ==========================


Steward, W.W. (W2) Astronaut etc.                                                                   

Born 1989, Scot­land.


Kim. Miriam. Astronaut etc, wife of Steward                                             

Born 1985, Korea.


Rain in the Face   Astronomy/Astrophysicist/Astronaut/Construc­tions in Space.

Born 1985, Tombstone Arizona. U.S.A.


Alien Vriesde.   Astronaut Biochemist Food technology.                                                

Born 1985 Terschelling.  NL.


Annie Steward/Kim. Technician, Computers. (Daughter of S/K).                                          

Born 2018, Noctis Labyrinthus Mars.


Dawn Rain in the Face. (Daughter of R/V) First real Martian, Biologist, Horticulturist, Farmer

Born 2017, NL Mars


Harm Rain in the Face/Vries.       

Born 2020, NL Mars. (Running Nose)                                                                            


Tetsu Tsuki-do.  Astronaut etc.    

Born 1987. Kyoto Jp.


Hagane Tsuki-do. (Steel)           

Born 2022, NL Mars.


Sushi Tsuki-do.                    

Born 1985, Tokyo. Jp.


Pho.     Cosmonaut etc.   

Born 1985, Krasnoyarsk. Russia


Boss.             Cosmonaut etc.    

Born Kalingrad. Germany.



Born 2025, Phobos.


Mueller, Jan      Astronaut etc.    

Born 1988, Brunswick. Ger.


Mueller, Sabine   Astronaut etc.    

Born 1986, Monschau. Ger.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Crew second Mars expedition: 12 people, (6/6, male, female).


Nunatak. Bo. Ice expert, Geology, Astronomy, Polar lights, Astronaut, Mining in Permafrost, etc                                    

Born 2001, Thule. Grnlnd.


Marley. Abe.  Ice expert, Sand and Wind Movements, Geology, Pilot, Astronaut. 

Born 2011, Kingston, Jam.


Afhaimeis. Wolfs.  See above.        

Born 2010, Spain.


Summers. Faith.   Astronaut, Astrophysics, Horticulture. Etc.                            

Born 2005, Roswell, New Mexico, USA


Rosen. Deborah.  Space Technology, Computers, Electronics, medicines, etc.                          

Born 2008, near Clovis, just over the border of   Texas, USA.


Ujedinenija. Sonja. Cosmonaut.      

Born 2009, Moscow. Russia.


Nathan. Ari.  Astronaut, Solar energy, Water technology, etc.

Born 2015. Beersheba. Is­rael.


Jose Jimenez.                  

Born 2015. Cusco     Peru.


Lodewijk Zand.                

Born 2016. Ommen.    NL.


Anne Zand-                    

Born: 2016. Spits Bergen. Nor way.


Doba Timrja.          Medicines, Biology, Chemistry, etc.                                                                                                         

Born 2010. Moose jaw Canada.


Airtha Inkunja.     General Space Systems. What ever that may be

Born 2010. Dog creek Canada.


All ion all, 38 names 201097. File: Chicago; Earth / New Batavia; Mars  2078 Oct. 16.