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Ari: "efshar lekabel et hah'eshbon, bevakasha?".

Wolfs: "Yeah you can say that again…"

Dova: "Yeah, can you say that again … In English please, this time"

Ari and Wolfs: "Waiter checks please!"

Dova:“And don’t hit the keys, that’s a one and only on Mars! Take it easy”


They didn't like the way their computers were (miss) behaving right than.

Wolfs: “What you writing? Dova”

 Dova: “Historical novel.  Horses and carts stuff, Steam engines, tea clippers, somewhere in the 1980. Well you know like they used to live back than.”

Ari “Right, say no more…”

Dova: “Pack, and stow away box 2B/ 63900 B. It says "scuba gear" On Mars? Wu, you know anything about it?”

Wolfs: “Hay Ho, Hay Ho…! No!”

Dova: “What you singing, and in Gothic? The Dwarves theme, from the Movie… Stop whistling that theme, it's an ear crouching song!”

Ari: “Any new ideas?”


They were in a cave, well where else, the room full of antiquated

Computers, and a few updated ones, coming from the second ship, all the good stuff was “on the other side of the planet”, as usually


Dova: “The Behind is coming near…”

Ari: ”What?”

Dova: “It meant; the end is near”

Ari: “But….”

Dova: “Yeah, that’s the automatic translator thought too…”

Wolfs: “Let’s get back to work, right?”  


As I said before They were in a cave, well where else, the room full of antiquated Computers, and a few updated ones, coming from the second ship, all the good stuff was “on the other side of the planet”, as usually.