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Season one
Season two
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link to me
March 22 2004;
Okay getting things looking more spiffy cool. desided that a backround image was better then the solid color. Almost finished touching up the first script for episode one. Working on the other pages. Seasone one page should be up soon. Working on uploading all of the images for it. Then after I get everything up and working I'm going around and gona link this place like mad. Until then just keep checking, things should be up and running pretty quick, Iv'e got lotsa time on my hands so lots of time to code the site. I got a tag board, so if you want tag me! Go on scroll down you know you wana. But I'll let ya know when I get other things up.

March 11 2004;
Well if your seeing this page chances are you know that not all of the links are working, I know I'm working on it! the about page is available I still have some kinks to work out of the codeing of the rest. I'm hopeing to have the first eppie up before the end of next week. Whatever day I get it up will be the day I plan on updateing weekly, assumeing of course nothing gets in my way. The site of the moment pic isn't availble cause there is no site yet! I'll have a place for you to apply to be the site soon. I've been working on writting the season and images to spice up the page all should be good soon, just be patient. Of course that is assumeing that anyone is reading this. O_o

March 9 2004;
First ever layout. Kinda crappy but I'm new to HTML so bear with me. The first eppie is located in Season one, it's titled "The first cut is the deepest" if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about (most of you wont) check out the about page located under Sitey stuff. Have fun look around. Vote in the poll, go nuts!
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© Nicole Hope, 2004.
Pictures used in art do NOT belong to me, they are © to their respected owners. I do not claim to own them and they are used in fun not in profit