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break me baby

Saturday, April 5


Blech, getting all anemic. It's the downside of being a vegitable-arian. Eh, I'll just pop some iron pills and eat some nuts and eggs, I'll be fine.

Oh, and look, it's another new layout. I swear, I almost give this thing more new layouts then journal entries. But I like this, so it'll stick around for quite some time. I'm also going to update more often, I mean something interesting has to go on occaisionally.

And now... quizes~!

you are aenema
you are ÆNEMA. apathy and cyncism surround you and
you probably believe in nihilsm (you're also
probably right to believe in it). you think the
world if full of materialistic goddamn shallow
dipshits and if their existance was wiped away
the world would be a much better place. someday
you'll get your desires filled

what TOOL song are you
brought to you by Quizilla

Third eye
You are Third Eye Nobody understands you, but you are very beautiful.
You often find yourself dreaming or using drugs
to get yourself to a higher state of reality.

What Tool Song Are You???
brought to you by Quizilla

God I love Tool. One of the best bands in the universe, if I do say so mahself. Ah, and now I go off to listen to Stinkfist...

it's not enough, i need more
nothing seems to satisy
i don't want it
i just need it
to breathe, to feel, to know i'm alive

March Twenty-eighth
February Seventeenth
February Fourteenth
February Eighth
January Twentry-eighth