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She cries out loud "God where are you?"

barely able to say the words, her limp arms

hanging by her side.

Darkness surrounds her, fear grips her soul,

she holds on to hope for things which will


Lost in life, misplaced, grasping for something

she can take hold of to keep her from

going under.

Drowning, and no one seems to notice,

her tears are disguised with a smile even

on the worst days.

The world never hears the silent screams

that comes from within her broken heart,

her lost soul.

If her pain could be measured it would

exceed the depth of the ocean, the height

of the highest mountain.

The emptiness consumes her, day

in and day out, lonliness knows her

by name.

Should she dare have a positive thought

or focus on one good thing, memories

seem to rush in to punish her.

The ticking of the clock sounds like

thunder, the sun shines too bright, the

night is too dark.

The world goes on,  she is left alone to

make herself heal and recover everything

she has lost.

She feels so alone on this journey, isolated

in her world of despair, although there

are so many just like her.

There's no gun in her hand, but she's

in a battle, and the war goes on, she

struggles to save to herself.

Against her will, one foot goes in front

of the other, one day ends another begins

despite her desire to quit.

Somehow she must do the impossible,

go where she's never gone, be what

she's never been.

One way or the other, she will force

herself to rise, to stand, to face the world

and the challenge of the day.

The woman who was, is no more,

the whimper is gone, a new woman

is born.

Peace, oh peace that escaped her

comes rushing in to fill her soul,

once lost, but now found.

Time sweet time, so much wasted

so little remains, so many things left

for her to do.

Just one heart, one voice, one

life, and what a difference just

one has made.

She is the unknown hero, the one

who didn't quit, she won the war,

she survived.
