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Curing Cancer

By: Art Trustin Burros
May 23, 2005

Matter exists,
Space exists,
Time exists,
And a person could theorize that the big bang did occur;
Did the big bang happen at a fixed origin?

If the universe is continuously expanding,
Based on the big bang theory,
Then matter existed at one point in space at an exact moment
In time

Can matter exist at one point in space at an exact moment?
What if the matter that was the source of the big bang were moving?
It is possible that the universe was expanding before the big bang happened
All matter in the universe is continuously moving
And never exists at one point in space at any perceptible moment
The idea of an origin in space and time could be impossible
The matter and space which we define it in
Must be thought of in a different way,
It must be in continuous motion
Always changing, but
Never the same

With this in mind,
If a person were traveling through the universe,
Using the speed of light,
Would this person be going slower of faster than the speed of matter?
If a person wanted to find the most efficient way of moving through space,
A person would need to know the speed of matter
Finding the speed of matter,
A person could arrive at the minimum speed
At which it would take to get from one source of matter to another,
How fast does a person have to go to reach other worlds?

If a person should have a cancer,
Then that person must move through space suffering
How can suffering be stopped?
Could genetics be the answer?
If a person with cancer were to be moving one direction through space,
Could the cancer be isolated and forced to move in a different direction?
If a source of matter could be stopped in space,
Then any matter surrounding the source matter would move on,
The source of suffering would exist in its own space
And the person who no longer suffers would continue through space
To enjoy a life of less suffering
But as stated before,
Can matter exist at one point in space during a perceptible moment?
If the cancer moved one way and the person another,
The same effect would be achieved,
But without perception of the moment

If all said previously sounds impossible,
Think about how the human genome has been mapped
Have people defined human movement through space using genes?
People may not be able to reach other worlds,
But they are able to leave disease, and possibly soon,
Cancer behind

"Art's poetry"