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Ok right here I'm gonna throw some shout outz to my bitch's and my main niggas aight.... first off I like to thank my moms for having me and for being like a big sister and god for blessing me with the may talents I have..And to my dad for being there when i need him. ok here is the list:
My Man: Brian.. I love you baby with everything in me My Fam Fam: Deeja Ronnie Kyle Maurice Tarika Jo Jo Ronald Ivan and all my distant Fam Fam My Aunts and Uncles: Rich Rose Stephanie Elsie Joe My homies: Taisha Loretta Kevin Sacha the whole erie ave the ones I am cool wit.. My niggas: ANGELL Throwback Nike Project Jahword Don Don Platinum fam Big tez Live4dadrama Rochelle Lexxy My toddlers: shania sarah talynna man man shay niliyah AND UMMM FOR THOSE THAT I MISSED... I DIDN'T MEAN IT YOU STILL IN MY HEART.......
Geah this is touch holding it down for 215 just trying new things yanno.. I am down to earth real cool girl.. I am a fall back chick....I don't do much I hit up clubs time to time but i like chilling in bars because it's more laid back... I am no alky or no shit like that cause I don't drink shit but sex on the beach...just fall foward to your computer screen and check me out aight ~100~ Ok I am not on here to meet anyone I already found a man that completes me this page is to help me with my growth on the path of graphic and video production... so basically this web shit is for practicing purposes only... font>
HMMMMMM let me saY this I am a beautiiful princess very intelligent women that takes no bullshit from dumb ass PEOPLE so dont write me no dumb shit... Personal Quote: "LOVE IS A PRESENT ONLY GIVEN BY THE ONE WHO TRULY LOVES YOU NOT THE ONE THAT WANTS TO HURT YOU AND SEX YOU AND LUST YOU BUT THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN OR MISGUIDE YOU"

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