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Helpful Links

Hey, don't just lay there like Bandit - get movin'! Checking out these links will help you get that assignment done faster - then you'll have time for that after-school siesta.

Research Paper Help

MLA Paper Format and Citation Info.
Help with the Writing Process, from planning to editing
Avoiding Plagiarism
Thesis Help
Help with Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing
Official Modern Language Association (MLA) Webpage
More on Plagiarism
Citation Machine - type in your info. and the website tells you the MLA citation!
ProQuest Learning - Literature (Password: Panther). This site is an awesome source for full-text works, author bios, and literary criticism. Dig in - deep!

Get Published!

Info on Essay contests and more!

Web Quests

Simple Life
A Separate Peace
What happened at Enron?
Bill Gates' Net Worth
MM - look under Power of Non-violent Resistance for info on migrant workers, also AF Persuasive Resources
U.S. Distribution of Wealth
Gap between rich and poor
Distribution of wealth and incomes
social class in America
Can any American get to the top?
To Kill a Mockingbird Webquest
The History of Jim Crow