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Welcome to English 9

We're continuing our study of African American culture in the 1950s by reading the play, "A Raisin in the Sun".

Syllabus for Week of 5/30:

Tues.: Finish watching "Raisin", discuss play, Homework: Make 3 test questions and answers for exam review on Wed.
Wed.: 3 Test ques./answers due, finish discussing Raisin, Exam review
Thurs.: Movie, Spotlights due
Fri.: Movie
Mon.: Take any last exam questions, finish movie

Exam time: Tues. 6/6

Literature Unit Handouts

Shakespeare in the Classroom Video W.S.
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Shakespeare in the Classroom Movie Questions
Poetry Assignment
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary
Poetic Structures
Poetry Practice packet
Literature Circle Assignment
Mockingbird Newspaper Project assn.
Mockingbird Newspaper Project Roles

Literature Unit Links

Most Dangerous Game Vocabulary Activity
Shipwrecked! Webquest - Note - Each person in group can only take what will fit in a hiker's backpack - Copy this URL into address bar:
Free Verse sample - Whitman
Free Verse sample - Hughes
To Kill a Mockingbird Newspaper Project

Miscellaneous Resources

Student Info Sheet
Guardian Info Sheet
English 9 Class Policies