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Artwork by: Penny Parker

You Said

You said you were afraid to go to a better place
until I lit the path and took your hand.

You said that you were afraid to try
until I convinced you that in my eyes you couldn't fail.

You said you couldn't share your hurt
until I showed you the scars on my heart.

You said you wished you could do things differently
until I convinced you that it wouldn't change how I felt about you.

You said you couldn't fly
until I lifted your arms and blew confidence under your wings.

You said you were too tired to go on
until I lent my shoulder to carry your load.

You started to say you didn't deserve.
I said be still and know that you are special.

All work on this website are the original writings of Todd Wielgos.
You are more than welcome to use the poems here on your own website,
But please give proper credit to the Author.
A link back is appreciated but not required.

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Stacey's Webcreations

The Artwork that appears on this page is made by:
Penny Parker Please take a moment to visit her beautiful site

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