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Artwork by: Penny Parker

Separate Lives, Two Paths, A Single Journey

The date when this journey began you can not remember

Maybe it was August it could have been September

Was it started with a courteous hello, a nod or a familiar song?

Perhaps it was a smile which coaxed your friendship along

Sometimes it was a curve or a bump which stood in the way

But together you promised not to allow them to have their say

Two unique trails began this road

Each of you carrying your own separate load

A sea shore, a mountain, a forest, and a desert in between

Seen differently from the others shoulder on which you now would lean

Under a broken bridge of regrets spanning a wide river of tears

You crossed in a boat of laughter tightly holding the others fears

Arriving on the opposite shore different from which you would start

Realizing the special place you held within the others heart

A toll was demanded for this special trip was not free

But the fare was settled completely when you paid it as we

I pray that together you heal your past sorrows

From this afternoon forward and as the days move into tomorrows

Allow God to knit the fabric of your souls that are so bound

A lifetime of searching, for a seam which can never be found

Since what on earth the Lord joins as one

In heavens eternity can never be undone

For it is another beginning that starts this September

One which for the rest of your lives you will remember

So on this special day as you take your lifelong vow

May love be your why and let God show you how.

September 12, 1999

All work on this website are the original writings of Todd Wielgos.
You are more than welcome to use the poems here on your own website,
But please give proper credit to the Author.
A link back is appreciated but not required.

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The Artwork that appears on this page is made by:
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