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Artwork by: Penny Parker

Brandon Scott

In that place where time doesn’t exist
God heard our fervent pleas
Lifted on Angels wings
from prayers on bended knees.

He took from the sun
A perfect beam so bright
and poured it into your soul
So your path would always have light

He stole a star
From the midnight skies
And with love shaped
Them into your eyes

In your chest He fixed
A heart that was so pure
For a child of his you were
everyone would know for sure.

Brandon our love for you is great
Even though you are so small
Our precious hope for you
Is to follow our Savior’s call.

Though you are still a baby
Your mother and I can both see
The courageous man of God
You are destined to be.

For if you follow Him
With all your heart
Death’s cruel intentions
Will never keep us apart.

For there will come a time
When our love for you will be complete
In His Holy presence
Sitting at His feet.

All work on this website are the original writings of Todd Wielgos.
You are more than welcome to use the poems here on your own website,
But please give proper credit to the Author.
A link back is appreciated but not required.

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The Artwork that appears on this page is made by:
Penny Parker Please take a moment to visit her beautiful site

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