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The Antithesis

The Antithesis  Click on a Chapter Title to open a mini browser which has
an abstract of the story and a link to the story.

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Note: This is intended for Adults only.

                                                              · Additional Sections

· Introduction
· Definition
· Legal Rights
· About the Author
· Acknowledgements

· Feedback

"The title, the Antithesis, is meant to be a direct opposite of any definition of the word 'bible.' While 'bible' means, roughly, 'a collection of stories,' [assuming that the stories are] written by different authors, I wish this to be a direct opposition to all bibles of thought. It discourages me to see how brainwashed people have become, and to prove my point, when I said the word 'bible,' did you think of the supposed 'Holy' bible? Welcome to the world of Western Thought."
       - Sam Johnson, April 2005

  Man do I look strange... [Trippy]

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