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Welcome to the home of my poetry. You can just scroll down or pick a poem from the side. Feed back is always welcome and you can find the appropriate links for that in the right margin. However keep in mind these poems belong to me, Stacey Ann Grega and no one else. Have a nice day!

Drifting Off

To be lost
To be found
To find meaning in my life

To know love
To know hate
To have nothing in me way

I'm drifting away, far away
Drifting off into space
I'm not coming back

To know my life means much more
Than any game of chance
To live my life day to day
Learning each new dance
To have my poor lost soul feel complete
This is what I'm searching for
Drifting off lost out in space

To see the sun
To see the stars
To hold someone in my arms

To know the moon
To know the light
To find everything alright

I'm drifting away, so far away
Drifting off into space
Maybe I'll come back

Chorus x2

I know you're waiting
For my return
Someday you'll see my face again
For now I'll watch you from the stars


This is what I'm searching for
I know that I'm still searching for
Drifting off somewhere lost in space


Maybe I've been reckless
And selfish and lost with my life
Maybe I've been hurtful and bitter and unkind
But I'm sorry
Sometimes my tongue gets away from me
Sometimes my mind lies to me
And that's not your fault
You've been nothing but understnding
And wonderful and open with me
You've given me something to anchor to
A small piece of reality and a smile
And I'm greatful
Sometimes my mind teases my heart
Sometimes my need to live and find love makes me foolish
But that's not your fault
I know I was wrong
To keep this from you
I know I was wrong
to take this out on you
I was wrong
I was wrong
I have said things I did not mean
Meant things I did not say
I have compromised my vaules
I need to go back and Find out who I am
Sometimes I deny the truth in my heart
Sometimes I know when I'm walking away from something wonderful
And that's not your fault


Driving home late at night
Rain falling down
And light streaks across the
sky I wonder
If anyone really cares
If I'm someone's own
If I have any defense at all

Maybe I'm a tad insecure
Maybe I'm a little unsure
But so what
It pushes me to stay alive

Listening to the wind
Outside trees bend
And the windows rattle
Loudly, I pray
For someone who knows my soul
For my own small piece of life
For someone who shows me love


Keeping beat to the sound
Of my own heart
And pacing each breath that
I take I know
My family keeps me strong
My friends help me carry
On and I have the strength to


And that's life
In its purist form
We live and love
And sometimes feel alone

Maybe I'm a tad insecure
Maybe I'm a little unsure
Maybe I feel a bit lost

But it's alright
'Cause that's who we are
That's the meaning
The true meaning

I'm Not

I think it's easiest
If I call them voices
But then I'll be called
Crazy and I'm not
It tends to be simpler
If I keep it to myself
But then I'm kept in the
Dark and I'm alone
I try to describe it
As an influential entity
But then I'm called
Posessed and I'm not
I wish I could tell you
What goes on in my brain
And make it sound
Normal but I can't
I'm lost in the twists
Of my own mind
And if I can't
Explain it to myself
How can you expect me
To explain it to you
I know you think I'm
Crazy but I'm not

To be Me

Do you know what it's like
To look in the mirror and
Not trust who you see
Do you know what it's like
To spend your existance one
Step behind so as not to be noticed
Do you know what it's like
To be afraid of your reflection
Of others, of the mirror, of the world
Do you know what it's like
To be me
Lost in the shadows
Afraid of the light and the sun
Do you know what it's like
To see the dark
Side of your mind
Do you know what it's like
To lose sight of the
Morning to come
Do you know what it's like
To know fear in ev'ry last
Bit of you soul
Do you know what it's like
To be me
Lost in the dark of the day
of the mind, of the dream
Do you know what it's like
What it's like to be me
It's knowing the truth
It's knowing the dark
It's knowing you've lost the way out
It's knowing the loss
It's knowing the hate
It's knowing you can't reach out
Because nobdy knows what it's like
To be me
I can't find your hand
I can't find your light
I can't find the answer to make it all right
Can you tell what it's like
To be me
Can you give me an anchor
A bit of real life
Can you stay by my side
Just until my head clears

Whispers in the Dark

Tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me I'm good
Touch me and hold me
Just as you should

Make it be magic
Make it be nice
Like angels like poems
Like sunlight on ice
Play it again
Play it all night
This harmony this dance
This music of the night

I Never

I never
I never planned or thought or cared
I was just seeking peace amid chaos
Something to anchor to
Something more stable
And I found you
Because you were my last resort
Everyone else was just out of reach
Too far away

I never
I never wanted or needed or sought
Anything more than a friend
Anything more than someone to talk to
And I found you
Because you were there
And you listened to my mind
And I thought you cared

I never
I never believed or wished or grasped
For anything more than my sanity
For anything more than my strength
And I found me
Because I was there
And I needed me
To go on


Sometimes I find myself wondering
Did I fuck it up beyond repair
Are you going to walk away forever
And leave me here alone

And it's not that I fear being alone
I am alone and I am coping with that
But I fear I will never find my one
Or that I have and I can't have him back

I'm afraid that I have no match
That no one's there
No one's coming
And no one ever will

When all I really want and desire
Is someone I can talk to
And relax around
Who makes me smile

And holds me close
But not too tight
And he sings me to sleep
And I love waking to the sound of his voice


It's not like I planed this
I mean how can you plan this
I didn't want this
I know I don't need this
And I'm not saying anyone does
But you won't hear me yell about it
And you won't see me cry
I'm just standing here
Silently watching the world go by
Waiting for something to come along
To calm my mind
And soothe my soul


Well I hope you're happy now
I think I'm broken now
I don't think I'll ever trust again
I know you don't trust in much
But that's not the way I was made
I have faith in the world
Or at least I did
And I guess I mistakenly thought I could trust you
Some great fool I am
Silly me for thinking I had a friend
On the other side atleast for the time I'm done
Done with nights of coming home angry
And in tears because there aren't words stong enough
You say you care about me
My well being
But I'm not sure I really believe that
I'm having trouble believing anything anymore
So I'm just going to shut down for a while
Step into the shadows and disappear
It's really the only thing I can think of
My own little punishment for trying at all.


Drifting Off
I'm Not
To Be Me
Whispers in the Dark
I Never

Who I am

My Life in Words
My Life in Pictures

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Guest Book

