A trippp

 down memory lane...

...Some of these still crack me up...
(copyright of VectorQuantity)

You know the drill....

Updates to the Site Scroll Beneath:

(1/29/04) Minor face-lift...(5/15/02) Updated the "Update" and the "Other Sh*t" section...(8/1/01) the site goes online.

Welcome to the new page! As you can see, the site is kinda expanding, and I'm experimenting with some new cool stuff. This is version 2.0, hopefully this webpage will advance eons beyond its predecessor, and you will all enjoy it. For those of you visiting for the first time, this is André, and you've reached my website. If you don't know me, you've arrived here by chance or error, as there is nothing inside for you. If you are not on my website then you are not loved, or I don't have a picture. So send one in, and i'll put it up...if you are loved.

Requests to put pictures up will be upheld as long as pictures are sent in. Requests to take down pictures are worth dirt, unless I'm given something to replace the picture in question. Check the scrolling bar above for recent updates, so you don't end up sifting through old stuff.

I'll do my best to make this remotely entertaining.

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Pic o' the Month

Conversation Fragment o' the Month

Commentary: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Now hand us the grass!"
Commentary: "College Criteria"