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Chapter 25

Neither Taylor nor Jody slept well that night. Jody had been having bouts of fitful sleep ever since she dropped off the soup. Taylor, however, had been sleeping soundly until that night. His constant tossing and turning did nothing but frustrate him and wake Natalie.

Looking at the clock, Taylor confirmed that it was close to 6 AM. With a quick glance over to Natalie, Taylor got out of bed and went up the stairs, through the kitchen, and into the living room. Picking up his guitar, Taylor started strumming around with different ideas. No matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to stick or make sense to him.

The whole situation didn’t make sense. He needed Natalie, that much he knew. She was his first real everything: first serious girlfriend, first lover, first in so many ways that Taylor’s mind was dizzy just thinking about it. She was such a big part of his life that there was no way he could fathom living without her.

Then there was Jody. She was just a bit older than Natalie and had experienced different aspects of life. Jody could keep him grounded and soothe him when his world became too much. She was so real to Taylor. She was none of the frenzy that he had become accustomed to. Sure, she had her moments of chaos, but they were just that: moments.

Taylor’s head continued to swirl well into the day. By the time Ezra padded up the stairs a few hours later, Taylor still hadn’t made any progress on his decision making. Natalie made her way upstairs an hour or two later, which complicated things in Taylor’s decision process.

Still frustrated after breakfast and a hot shower, Taylor just wanted to get away from everything.

“I’m going out,” Taylor informed Natalie as he slung a jacket around his shoulders.

“Give me a minute and we’ll be ready to go,” Natalie replied from the couch where she and Ezra were reading a book.

“Um, that’s OK,” Taylor started uncomfortably. “Why don’t you two stay here.”

Natalie looked at him with confusion. “You OK? You’re not acting right.”

Taylor shook his head in an attempt to clear it. “I just need to get out for a while.” Natalie didn’t look too convinced. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

Not knowing what else to say, Taylor opened the door and exited his apartment.

“Venti caramel apple cider!” Jody called as she placed the beverage on the counter. Her store was moderately busy for a Wednesday mid-afternoon. It was a wonderful distraction from her heartbreak.

“Hey Dana!” Jody chirped as her co-worker came in to start her shift.

“Hey Jode,” Dana replied back before stopping dead in her tracks. “Wait a minute,” she said skeptically as she eyed Jody over. “That was cheerful.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So? You’ve been moping for nearly 2 months.”

Jody shrugged. “Sorry Dana. I’ll never be cheerful again,” she teased.

Dana shook her head and went to put her purse away.

“What’s up with Jody?” Dana questioned Horace, who was sitting at his desk crunching numbers and drinking coffee.

Horace took a sip before answering. “I have no idea, but it’s really nice to have the old-Jody back.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Maybe she’s back with that guy.”

Since the relationship started, Jody had kept Taylor’s identity a closely guarded secret in the store. Horace had no idea about his famous clientele and Dana only knew that he was in some kind of a band and that he looked awfully familiar.

Dana shrugged. “Maybe.” She donned her apron and went back to the counter.

“Next!” she called as she stood at the register.

Work went on as usual, but the Jody everyone had grown to love had returned, lending the store a rather happy atmosphere.

When her shift was over, Jody bid everyone goodbye and walked out of the store and into the sunlight. She was happy for a change and wanted to spend some more time in the City before heading home.

She hopped her typical number 9 subway train and held onto the hand rail, lost in her own thoughts.

“Jody?” a male voice called.

Her head scanned the car and finally rested on a familiar face.

She smiled immediately.


“What are you doing here?”

“I’m on my way home from work. You?”

“Just meandering the City for a while.”

There was a silence as the two looked each other over.

“It’s good to see you again.”

“Yeah, you too, Jody.”

There was another silence.

Zac cleared his throat and spoke first. “So, uh, how are you holding up?”

“I’m, uh, I’m doing OK. How about you?”

“I’m OK, too, I guess.”

They just looked at each other, neither knowing what to say.

“We all miss you, Jode.”

Jody looked at her shoes and blushed. “I miss you guys too.”

“If it makes you feel any better, Mom’s given him hell over this- especially after you tucked in Ezra the other night.”

She looked up and smirked. “News travels fast with you guys.”

Zac smiled as well. “No kidding.”

Jody looked up and realized they were at her stop. “I gotta go.”


Zac opened his arms and swallowed Jody in them. “Listen, no matter what happens, we’re all here for you.”

Jody squeezed back, knowing that Zac was essentially betraying his brother by fraternizing with her. “Thanks.” She stayed wrapped in his hug for another moment before she pulled away. “I’ll see you soon.”

Chapter 26
