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Chapter 22

Natalie’s lips crushed Taylor’s with a forgotten passion. Ezra had been shipped off to Zac for the day and Taylor had feigned being sick to avoid a visit from Jody. There was no complaint from Natalie that they were about to rekindle the passion their courtship and marriage held.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved the two to the bed.

A mid-afternoon romp was just what the two of them had been craving. Their flirting had left little to the imagination and Taylor could barely contain his need to discover every inch of Natalie’s body all over again.

Needless to say Jody was the last thing on his mind.

“I’m worried,” Jody said as she ran a cleaning cloth over the counter.

“What else is new?” Dana teased gently. It was obvious by her glare that Jody was not in the mood for games. “What happened?”

“Taylor’s sick.” Dana waited for her to continue. “He wasn’t home yesterday and now he’s sick.” She paused again. “I’m not sure I buy it.”

“Did you two have an argument or anything?”

Jody shook her head. “Nope. He just doesn’t want to see me I guess.”

Her last revelation not only added to her suspicions, but hurt Jody deeply. After all that she trusted him with, after all they’d helped each other through- Taylor just didn’t seem to care.

“Men are dogs, Jode,” Dana said, trying to comfort her friend. “That’s all there is to it.”

Jody shook her head in disagreement. “Not this one.” She took in a deep breath and softly added, “At least not when we first started out.”

Dana watched the misery Jody was putting herself through before she spoke up.

“Why don’t you take the rest of your shift off. I’ll talk to Horace for you.” Jody looked skeptical. “We’re not busy at all,” she said motioning to the emptiness of the store. “Stop worrying.” Dana paused again. “Besides, nobody likes seeing you this upset. Go straighten things out with your boy.”

Jody smiled. “Thanks Dana.” She eyed the soups that they kept at the back of the counter. “You think Horace will mind if I took some soup?” Dana rolled her eyes. “I mean, just in case he really is sick.”

“Go get your things and I’ll have a container of soup ready when you get back.”

Jody did as she was instructed and, before too long, she was on her way to Taylor’s apartment with a container of soup.

She stood in front of the door for a moment and just stared at it. A million thoughts ran through her mind.

What if Natalie was in there? What if Ezra was there? What if Taylor was really sick? Would it be better to leave the soup outside with a note attached to it? Should she call to see if he was even home? What if he was sleeping? Should she disturb him?

What if this was all in her head?

The last thought struck Jody as odd. She had always had a vivid imagination and had slightly romanticized her memories of Taylor when recounting them to Eve, but never had it crossed her mind that his pulling away from her was merely a figment of Jody’s imagination.

With that in mind, and her confidence restored for the time being, Jody rang the doorbell.

“What the hell was that?” Taylor questioned breathlessly.

“Sounded like the doorbell,” Natalie said with a look of slight concern. “What if it’s Ezra?”

Taylor rolled his eyes. “I don’t think that it’s Ezra who’s ringing the doorbell.”

“No, I mean what if something happened?”

Taylor sighed. “Zac would have called.”

Natalie looked at him expectantly as the doorbell rang another time.

“What?” he questioned as he gazed over her body again.

“Doorbell.” He had started to nibble at her in the meantime. Natalie sighed and covered herself with a blanket. “No more for you until you answer that door.”

Taylor hung his head. “That’s just cruel.”

Natalie reached over the side of the bed, picked up Taylor’s boxers, and threw them playfully in his direction. “We’ll finish this when you get back.”

Ever so reluctantly Taylor managed to redress in his jeans and T-shirt and was halfway up the stairs when the doorbell rang one more time.

“I’m coming!” he called as he came to a halt in front of the door.

The door opened.

“I’m sorry,” Jody said. “Did I wake you?”

Taylor looked confused. “Wake me?”

“Yeah,” Jody said suspiciously. “From your nap.”

“What nap?” Taylor thought back. “Oh, right!” Jody was eyeing him from head to toe. “I was, uh, passed out.”

“I’m sure you were.”

He felt her eyes on him like hot coals.

“Are those hives?”

“Where?” Taylor said, shifting uncomfortably.

“On your neck.” She stepped toward him and into the apartment as she reached for the neckline of his shirt.

“Don’t touch them!” Taylor said defensively as he quickly covered them with his hand. Jody looked at him strangely. “I might be contagious.” A fake cough followed.

“I’m sure you are,” Jody said in a strange tone. Taylor looked at her funny and a silence passed between them.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“They let me out early.”

Another silence.

“I brought you some soup.” She extended her arm so that Taylor could take the care package she had brought him.

“What for?” He opened the package with both hands and looked inside.

Jody had endured enough. “Because you’re supposedly sick,” she said briskly.

“Oh, right...”

Jody looked at him again as he looked at his feet.

“What’s going on with you, Taylor?” she questioned as she felt tears brimming in her eyes.

“What do you mean?”

Jody ran a hand through her hair in exasperation. “I mean the faking sick and the not picking me up from work and the repulsed look you get on your face every time I kiss you.”

Taylor had no answer.

“What’s going on with you, Taylor.” This time it was more of a demand as Jody crossed her arms and awaited his response.

“I, uh...”

“You, uh, what?”

There was another awkward silence.

“I should get back to bed. The doctor said I shouldn’t be out and about.”

“Really. What doctor was this?”

“What’s with the third degree, Jody?” Taylor bit back just as sarcastically. “I’m sick and I’m going to bed.” He opened the door for her. “And I think you should mind your own business.”

“Gee, I’m sorry Taylor,” Jody faked. “I was only concerned about you.” She was fuming and Taylor knew it. He waited for her to boil over. “Enjoy your soup,” she spat at him. “I had them make chicken soup just for you.”

Jody turned to leave and was halfway down the steps when she turned back around. Taylor was glaring at her, his arms crossed in front of him.

“If you’re going to cheat on me, at least try to hide your hickeys.”

Taylor’s hand flew back to his neck as his face showed his surprise. Jody was gone back down the street before Taylor even had a chance to respond.

Chapter 23
