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He's following me, his shadow I can see.
What does he want? Why is he following?
Where is he going? Same place as me?
Holding a knife (could it be? could it be?).

What does he want? Why won't he leave?
Getting closer, always following me.
His breathing is stronger as he moves closer.
He picks up his pace so I walk faster.

Turn the corner, I'm almost home.
What good will that do since I live alone?
Pick up my pace as I glance back.
He's dressed in shadows, dressed in black.

I look away fast, try not to think
of the evil things he could do to me.
I'm running now and so is he.
Full sprint now and he's upon me.

Grabs my hair and pulls me back.
See a blur and I feel a smack.
I fall to the ground, he's holding a knife.
He grabs my arm and then I bite.

He yelled out loud and dropped the blade.
It's now on the ground right by my face.
He calls me a curse and kicks my gut.
I'm in pain and he takes my purse.

"Not done yet", he whispers in my ear.
"Time for some fun my dear."
Won't let him. No way.
I pick up the knife and he sees the blade.

Before he can run I thrust it through his heart.
Tried to run but he was dead before he could start.
I killed a man, a human being.
No, a scum that tried to rape me.

Serves him right, he got what he deserved.
As I brush my self off and walk away in the night air.
Heard it on the news a body brutally slain.
Now the cops want me and they call my name.

They want to put me away for killing a monster.
What a lunatic. Who's the monster?
Sentenced for life.
They say I murdered a man because I held the knife.
What man did I kill?
I killed a monster.

The system sucks. Who would have thought?
Someone tires to invade me and I have to pay.
I'm in jail and I'm cold.
I'm scared and I'm alone.
They put me in a man's cell with two rapists.
They look at me and I want to scream.

One lonely night the two men take me,
hold me down and rape me.
I cried all night. I will cry every night.
For I'm in jail for the rest of my life.

Two years went by, raped 52 times.
Made a neat little weapon that resembles a knife.
Tonight is the night these two will pay.
I will kill them both.
I don't care what anyone has to say.

They both are asleep, I sneak out of bed.
Grab my weapon, go toward their heads.
The first awakes as I hold it over his throat.
Tries to escape but his life was cut short.

The other awakes to his friend swimming in blood.
Painted red, he sees his friend is dead.
He calls for God but I know he doesn't mean it.
Says he's sorry and I don't want to hear it.

I jab the weapon through his head.
He hits the floor and is dead.
I sit in a pool of blood. Three men I've killed.
What men did I kill? I killed monsters.

Now I'm in the chair about to be burned.
Why should I care since I lived through hell?
I know I will die and face God for my sins.
I know I killed three men.

I do know He'll forgive me.
For I believe He'll forgive me.
So I close my eyes and the man pulls the switch.
I feel the shock as my body starts to twitch.

Now I'm dead and I see a light.
Feel God's presence and every thing's alright.
I do know He'll forgive me
and forgive me He did.

I live with the angels now while those men fry in hell.
Am I sorry I took three men's lives?
What men?
I killed monsters.