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We All Are God's Children

There once lived a man who had a dream

And impossible to him his dream did not seem

He wanted everyone to be treated equally

And united is what he wanted us all to be

He wanted everyone to come together at last

So no longer would black children be an outcast

He wanted the nation to live out the true meaning of its creed

And he believed his dream one day would firmly plant the seed

When we all would walk hand in hand and side by side

Allowing faith and hope to be our one and only guide

So no longer would hatred and judgment be what we see

For we all our God's children living in the land of the free

So the color of ones skin should not determine ones worth

But should be a stepping-stone toward peace on earth

And because of ones man dream, brothers and sisters are what we've became

Giving our Nation something wonderful and meaningful to proclaim

So let us never forget "I Have A Dream" written by Martin Luther King

For his speech gave to all God's children a beautiful song to sing.

Pamela Lawson
©November 22, 2005

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.