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The Reason For The Season

While there is a lot of shopping that needs to be done

And the stressful moments that is felt from being on the run

With the decorating of Christmas trees and the Christmas card sending

And all the preparing it is easy to feel like it is never ending

But during the excitement and the hustle and the bustle let us remember

The reason for the season that comes every year in December

It is easy to get wrapped up in the traditions we're accustomed to

And while the gift giving and the singing of carols is always fun to do

The true meaning of Christmas is what fills the heart with glee

It cannot be felt through the things we buy or placed beneath the tree

It cannot be felt through the food in which is prepared or through the decorations that are hung

It can be found in a much deeper place which can be felt by the poor, the rich, the old and the young

It cannot put us in debt nor does it require a price check or a price tag

It doesn't require to be placed in a box or in a gift bag

This priceless gift can be given on any day of the year

And it doesn't have to be received only when Christmas time is here

Because what God has given to every one every where is the glory of

Knowing at all times the one thing that can be felt is our Savior's love

So there is no other gift that could be opened that would measure up to

The sacrifice that was so freely given to the heart of you

So while there will be a lot of celebration lets be mindful of

That the real reason for this Holy day comes from no other place than above.

Pamela Lawson
©December 13, 2007


All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.