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In Your Time Of Need

Problems are something you must overcome every day

So don't allow them to get the best of you in any kind of way

Because problems are a part of life so you need to remain strong

And believe God will be there to help you along

So you need not to be consumed of fear or of doubt

Because God always has a way of working things out

And though it may seem like there is no light at the end

Sooner or later blessings to you God will send

So regardless how bad things may seem

You need to remember God is on your team

He isn’t going to allow you to go without

He just has a different way of going about

How to handle certain things then you do

And in His timing for you He will come through

It takes a lot of patience on your part

But you have to trust Him with all your heart

In order for Him to do what needs to be done

After all, He is the only one

Who can turn things around

When nothing but problems are to be found

So stay true to hope, to faith and to prayer

Because for you God does care.

Pamela Lawson
©January 30, 2008



All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.