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Apple Of My Eye

In my heart there is a picture of you
And in my mind I see you there too
Just because in your life I am not
Doesn’t mean I do not love you a lot

And I know you find it hard to believe
Since from your life I choose to leave
But you have always been the apple of my eye
Even though many years have past us by

I made mistakes through out my life its true
But the one mistake I didn't make was you
To this day it is you who takes my breath away
And I hope you will give me a chance some day

To make it up to you some how and I know
It will take some time but I want to show
In my life is where I want you to belong
Even though the bond between us isn’t strong

But a second chance with you is what I pray for
The life I lived in the past I don’t live anymore
I grew up and I realized the things I have done
But when I look into the heart of you my son

I see the many things in life I missed out on
And those opportunities from me are now gone
But when I think about the years that lie ahead
I want to tell you the things I should have said

Things I should have told you a long time ago
But it hurt not being able to watch you grow
But I have kept the memory of you in my heart
Where you have always remained to be a part

Of what has meant the most to me every day
So the love I have for you has never faded away
So when you are ready my arms will be opened wide
For the memory of you fills my heart with pride.

Pamela Lawson
©May 4, 2006

Detha Watson, Artist

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.