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A Sacrifice of Love

T'was the night before Christmas no presents were in sight

In the window there was only one candle burning bright

There was no feeling of Christmas in this house to be found

So I could not help myself I just had to look around

Pictures were hanging on the walls of a young man

Engraved under each picture was the name Stan

I came to realize not only was he a man but he was a Mother's son

Who choose to be a Solider so he could stand up for everyone

What a sacrifice this young man made and the price for us he gave

So we could live in the land of the free our freedom he did save

I looked into the eyes of a hero my heart filled with much pride

I bowed my head to pray for him and for the men and women who had died

No gift that I could give would ever measure to the gift in which he gives

It is because of men and women like him I have a secure place to live

I was honored to be standing in the house of one of America's best

So I saluted the men and women they are the reason I am so blest

No matter what I do or say my gestures seem so small

Compared to the men and women who everyday give their all

So while the men and women celebrate Christmas on their own

I am appreciative for the dedication and the love they have shown

That night I was given the most valuable kind of present

A present that made me aware these men and women truly are heaven sent.

Pamela Lawson
©December 20, 2006

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.