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A Mother's Heart

A Mother's heart is beautiful in many ways

One cannot help to want to honor and to praise

The patience and the compassion a Mother shows

Toward her children for only a Mother's heart knows

How to comfort, to support, and to guide

With a love that is unconditional and filled with pride

A Mother's heart from the start was beautifully designed

With hands that were gentle and with hands that were kind

For God knew He needed to make a Mother's heart special in every way

To give meaning and purpose in their children's lives day after day

The perfect masterpiece God did create with such dignity and grace

There isn't anything that could compete or even replace

What a mother's heart represents and the value of its worth

For a mother's heart is very much needed here on earth

A Mother’s heart never judges it always shows concern

There is so much from a Mother’s heart we can learn

Like what it takes to give and not ask for anything in return

To speak words that touches others and not to speak words that are mean

For when you treat others with respect a presence can been seen

There is so much beauty within a Mother’s heart that deserves to be displayed

For the choices and the sacrifices in their children’s lives they have made

So on Mother’s Day be reminded of the many things a Mother’s heart provides

And embrace what a Mother’s heart represents with arms opened wide.

Pamela Lawson
©May 7, 2006

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.