The Thoughts of the Man Kalled Kaze

Throught his life, the man known as the Shadow has let flow from his heart words of pure emotion to paper, to recordings of various types, and to a computer screen whenever he just "had to vent". This is a web site dedicated to Him. Created by Him. This body, mind and soul has seen tortures not ever to be seen in the worst of nightmares. Through his words, some people have felt hopes be risen, burdens taken away, and comforts of other sorts. Others have taken away with them the fear of God and of Satan. Is this man a worshiper of God or a follower of Satan? Is he the world's hope or it's destruction? I will let you be the judge of that.

The Different Stages In The Mind of The Sick and Twisted Bastard:
All dates are approximate

Still the thoughts mean something...

My songs

Browse all My Songs

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