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A Poem Written By Me

"What Is Love?"

Written By: Sosi J. Enn

Can you tell me what love really is?

How does it feel to be in love?

What is the expression on your face when you are in love?

How does it feel to be loved by someone?

These questions…I cannot answer

I can only ask

Is being in love too much to ask for?

Is finding someone to love too hard to find?

Why is it that I am the only one who is not in love?

Love is everywhere around me

But why am I not in love?

I thought that I was once in love before

But that was only a dream

I thought that someone before once loved me

But it was only a fantasy

And I thought that I knew what love really was

But I was only confused

Is this feeling too much to ask for?

I just can’t handle this no more

Everyone but me receiving kisses and hugs

Can someone tell me What Is Love?