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Sacred Circle Poetry

And Stuff

Last Updated: 7:31PM Wednesday, 4/30/03. I added a piccie of ME!

^Tango, Kitty of Randomness, and Bastet^

Well, there's still nothing here, so Tango, the Kitty of Randomness, is watching the page along with Bastet, cause she's cool. He's the new mascot. Everyone say "Hi," to Tango, the Kitty of Randomness, or I'll "come for you on some dark night with a pointy reconning." That is from The Crucible. Good book, play, and movie.
Well, when I get around to doing something with this, which will most likely be tomorrow, I'll add my poetry, stories, and some random crap you probably won't care about.
Ok, soon, this site is going to be Revamped. There is going to be a section about Wicca, a section about Shaman King, and a games section where I have tidbits and things about my favourite games and games characters.

Page Links:
About Me
A Page about me.

My poetry page. Yes, poetry I wrote.
This is a page of completely random things that have nothing to do with anything, but are cool.
A page with most of the updates since the page started
Links to other websites and some pictures and stuff.

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!