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Here is my website dedicated to Tara's cats. Lots and lots of pictures yay and stuff YAY!
Ok, so here's all the pictures Tara has sent me of her cats. NO, I am not obsessed with her cats, I just got really bored one night and went on a mission of building! JUST FUCKIN BELIEVE ME! Ahahaha, this website is so basic it's sad. And on to the cats!

Here's a pic of her cat Zippy in a drawer. Awwww, how cute. There seems to be some writing on the drawer just above and to the left of Zippy's head, I can't really make out what it says though.

That's quite the colourful pillow you got there Zippy.

One of the first pics of Punker. So tiny! I bet I could fit her entire head in my mouth!

I think one of those rat-like creatures is Punker.

What a nice little bed you have for her.

Oh, it's just a cardboard box...

BAM! Close-up in yo face!

That's a cool scratching post. I want one.

Well that's a nice little necklace I guess...

She looks terrified for her life.. AND I BLAME THE PINK NECKLACE!