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                Guest Bookfairie


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What a beautiful website. I enjoyed reading every part. It was a wonderful idea to create it, to offer help to others and tell the world about your beautiful baby. Thank you for making it, Stephanie



I laughed and I cried.  Very well done.  I'm proud of you.

Love Rose


Dearest Steph,

I went to visit your site that you created for your precious baby girl, Talina. And I wanted to let you know how much it truly touched me. I also wanted to let you know that you made me realize that I should write a page that reaches out to women who are in the same situation as we once were. That is such a wonderful idea! To reach out to those who are in need of some advice! Someone who can tell them yes it will be ok. I want to thank you so much for giving me this idea. As I know it will only completely my daughters legacy! Thank you over and over again! As I'm off to create the page. Your site has been such an inspiration. Your site made me look deeper into my experience. Thank you! Please whenever you'd like, drop an email over my way:)...

Hugs, Chrystal



You did a wonderful job with the web site, as I read your story I cried.  What a beautiful thing you did, for a beautiful angel. God bless you and your family.  You will be forever in my thoughts.



Oh Steph. That's the most beautiful baby and website! I am crying while I type this. I find it really hard to cope with and I don't even know you! I love the feet and hands. You were so lucky to get to spend a few days with your little angel. She'll always be with you.

From Giselle of New Zealand



A truly stunning website for a truly stunning little girl.....May she play forever in God's playground with my potters son, Elliott.
God bless.




First of all i would just like to say im so sorry for your sad loss . What kind loving parents you really are . I've never read anything like it .  It was absolutely beautiful you should be so proud of yourselves, I enjoyed every bit of the web page, made me cry and also brought a smile to my face.  What a beautiful daughter you have, I say have because like you mentioned she's still with you. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and the pictures were amazing .My thoughts are with you and all your family. Thankyou so much

love Natalie xxx


                                      Precious  Angel friend,  Stephanie

You  have  touched  my heart  with
  love  through  your  precious  and honest   heart.
I   read and viewed  every  page of  your
web home.    Thank you for sharing  your
lives  openly  with  us.    How  very
courageous  you and  your  family  are.

Talina  is  a  precious  angel.
She   and  you  have   such  a  beautiful   eternity  to  spend  together.  As  I   read  your  writings,   so  touching, so  poignant,  and   with  such  deep understanding  (deep  enough  to reach  into  other's  hearts  and  teach
them   about   experiencing   love
and  earthly  separation  from  their babies)   I   feel  a  heart~bond  with you.    Not  that  I  have  experienced this  life situation,  but,  other  losses for  which  I  could  relate   to  your advisements.

Thank   you,  precious 
Angel friend,  Stephanie,  thank  you  for  reaching others  with  the  love  of   our  Lord.

God  keep  you  near  His  heart, 

                                            In  His love  &  mine,



I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful beautiful thing and site you have done for your angel Talina and for all of us mums out here who need people like you.

You are a true inspiration to any mum who has suffered a loss of a baby in anyway. You have created a site where we don't need to say sorry for how we feel or feel bad that we go on about our angels our pain and our grief.

Talina is so lucky to have you as her mother as you have done so much to keep her alive and put so much grief energy into keeping her alive it is truly a blessing to have met you in this way. Thank you for all you have done for me and other mums in this situation. 

Lots of hugs

 xxxxxxxxxx Ruth   

Rhys' Mummy




What a sweet and precious baby. I'm so glad you have shared the life of your Talina with us. We who never had to experience such joy and sorrow all at one time pray for you and share with you the knowledge that we will have the eternities to enjoy our family.

This does not remove the pain and grief, it only makes it more bearable. What beautiful memories will forever be in your heart and thoughts. Our prayers are with you and your family. Good luck and thank you for making us aware of those around us.

Joy U.S.A



What a beautiful website and what a beautiful little girl I am so sorry for your loss of Talina!!
I want to thankyou for visiting Scott and inviting me to visit Talina I have added my link to your site and I am at present adding Scott's site to your webring.
Like you I am trying to make people aware of the horrid illnesses that can affect our children I know if Scott's illness was widely known about then less babies would die and more funding would be found for the wonderful Doctors that try in vein to save our precious babies
If there is anything I can do to help you please do not hesitate to contact me.
Karen (Scott's mummy)xx


i really enjoyed your wed site,

May god be with you.

rakes ,usa, ky


I just wanted to let you know how touched I was by your family's story. I'm glad that you decided to spend the time with Talina and let her go when it was her time, not ending that time with her early.

I think it was so special that you took her home for a few days and wish so bad that my sister did when her little fella died. I admire your courage and this website is just gorgeous!


Renee Cashmore


Hi Steph,

I was really touched when I read about little baby Talina.

I am sure that she is alright. With God everything is going to be alright. Your little baby girl had a very special purpose here on earth. I can not imagine how many mom's and dad's she has touched in her one hour on this earth. our story about Talina's short life must have helped more people than we could help people with just plain words or money. I don't really know how to express what I am feeling. I have three healthy children and I thank God for my kids. I also thank God for your daughter Talina. God has a purpose for everything. Talina was handpicked from God and send to earth to help and comfort other's which have lost children at birth. I can imagine that she is sitting in Jesus's lap right now .And Jesus has his arms around her. Someday you will meet each other again. And then you will be the one hugging her. As long as we have Jesus in our heart and believe and trust in God


                                                   Love  Heike



This is the second time I have visited your site...it is beautiful!  You have done a wonderful job.  I am so sorry for your loss.  As you know I lost my son Zane 2 years ago now.
Your daughter is just precious.  The pictures you took are lovely....I love the one with the hands.
I will be in touch.. Thank you for introducing me to your angel.
Hugs from Angel Zane's Mom June


wow your story touch me.  And I cant believe you were able to take her home with you that was great i wish you guys the best and have the joy to have more children.
God bless




I have said a prayer for your beautiful family You are lucky to have all your children
love Teina


Loved the site my daughter also died of potters syndrome.
You have done a lovely job
Jenny Francis
Mum to two angels


I came upon your site from SilentGrief.com I was going back and reading the Share with us pages.  I was blessed to find your site.  Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for your words of encouragement and coping section of your site!
Your beebie Talina was so beautiful!  I wish that I could've done the same for my baby.. We were all I dont know in shock of the situation that I guess I didn't have the opportunity or the *means* to be able to do the same as you did.  I was living with my parents at the time and I guess.. I just do not know how to explain the situation but I never thought to have time with my baby like that and if the time comes that God blesses us with another Heavenly Baby I will do the same things that you have done with your sweet Talina!  Your page brought comfort to me and I am very thankful to have come across your site.

It has been 7 years since I lost my sweet baby, to something similiar to Potters syndrome altho I have no idea if it was that exactly.. It was dealing with the kidneys.. she was stillborn on 1/14/97.  I wish that I was able to spend the time with her that you did with your baby, the pictures on your site are wonderful and beautiful and helped my heart alot, your baby is so precious!  She is an awesome addition to Heaven!!  Thank you for everything, I know that we do not know each other but from reading what you have gone thru and seeing your beautiful daughter and her story.. I feel as if I know you and you and your family are very close to my heart!  I pray for us until we are able to be with our babies again and we are all re-united in Heaven!! *big huggles to you and your family*  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I came upon your site from SilentGrief.com I was going back and reading the Share with us pages.  I was blessed to find your site.  Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for your words of encouragement and coping section of your site!
Your beebie Talina was so beautiful!  I wish that I could've done the same for my baby.. We were all I dont know in shock of the situation that I guess I didn't have the opportunity or the *means* to be able to do the same as you did.  I was living with my parents at the time and I guess.. I just do not know how to explain the situation but I never thought to have time with my baby like that and if the time comes that God blesses us with another Heavenly Baby I will do the same things that you have done with your sweet Talina!  Your page brought comfort to me and I am very thankful to have come across your site.

It has been 7 years since I lost my sweet baby, to something similiar to Potters syndrome altho I have no idea if it was that exactly.. It was dealing with the kidneys.. she was stillborn on 1/14/97.  I wish that I was able to spend the time with her that you did with your baby, the pictures on your site are wonderful and beautiful and helped my heart alot, your baby is so precious!  She is an awesome addition to Heaven!!  Thank you for everything, I know that we do not know each other but from reading what you have gone thru and seeing your beautiful daughter and her story.. I feel as if I know you and you and your family are very close to my heart!  I pray for us until we are able to be with our babies again and we are all re-united in Heaven!! *big huggles to you and your family*  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
 I am in the process of making her a website... I started one @ babiesonline.com... here is the link to that page and the new one I am working on that is yet finished.  I hope you will read our story!!  My site is not as beautiful as yours but I hope someday I might be able to make it as informative and helpful!! Thank you again!!!

April Parker 









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