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The quiet timid moon, was hiding out of sight
As those boistrous clouds taunted each other in the night.
The stars trying so hard to hold rank and position
As the earth is gently spinning round.
Then CRASH BANG WOLLOP, such an awsome sound,
Those naughty clouds begin to fight!
And bursting into tears,
Like children arguing with their peers!
The shy moon sank further to the floor
Waiting for the sun to rise, peace to reign once more


The wind bellowed at them, to hush their noise
And threateded them he would whisk away their toys.
Then a humble silence fell apon the remainder of the night
You could feel the tention in the gloomy shadow in the light
The disturbed sun was late to rise,
Those naughty clouds have dryed their eyes
A little more mellow they began to sob
As soft gentle mist, not that heavy rain
Then one whispered, ´Lets play gently, lets play a game.

(c) Sylvie Roberts 2005


Down in the Depths of the deep dark sea
From a Marine sub, there’s only the fishes and me
The Water is murky
The view is misty
Down in the Depths of the deep dark sea

There are creatures both great and small
Octopuses, catfish, sharks and all.
Some are so white,
Or reflect luminous light
Down in the Depths of the deep dark sea

In among the corals, mixed in the reef,
The variety of life is hard to believe.
Some swim all alone,
Others in schools of their own
Down in the Depths of the deep dark sea

Out of the marine sub and into a cage I climb,
Shivers of excitement running up and down my spine
(With my wet suit on)and flippers on my feet Down in the Depths of the deep dark sea

Out of the cage I am gliding with ease, With harpoon in my hand
Wishing I was on solid land
And out of the Depths of the deep dark sea


Looking up there in the tree,
Is that a chrysalis I see
Glittering in the morning sun?
Soon someday a butterfly it will be,
But I wonder meanwhile which one.
Its like an icicle made of opal pearl
Catching an reflecting light as it swirls
On when the timing is right, the moment it will seize
Gently swaying in the springtime breeze.
Then this tightly packed cigar will fall to the ground,
Softly and gently without a sound.
Then with a violent movement it starts to jolt and serge,
A slight crack will appear and then the split will open,
And an ungly, matted mass with emerge.
Within a few minutes of basking in the sun,
A strange sort of butterfly will appear.
Amazed at what I´ve witnessed, but still wondering which one.
She´ll stretch one wing, and then the other,
She´ll stretch again and her beauty reveal.
To my delight a red admiral I discover.
And as the old master´s paint starts to dry
Has finally emerged a beautiful butterfly.
She lifts her wings and flies away,
Only to live for very few days.

Spring 2003

A True story about a hedgehog.

Spike, as it became known was still blind and covered in white downy spines when I found him. I put it in an empty tup I always carry on my bike and took it home. I had to feed it with a syringe every and kitten milk, every 4-6 hours for a few weeks, kept in a box with traw and dried leaves. Then when it opened its eyes, I knew I was its mum. Then when it was about the size of my hand I put it in the garden, and went out at night to find spike feasting on slugs and snails.


The hedgehog is a funny feature
The hedgehog is a lovely creature.
It sleeps by day and lives by night,
It spends the winter out of sight.

The hedgehog is a gardner´s friend
The hedgehog is a real God-send
For it eats the bugs,
And it eats the slugs
And can even crush through slimmy snail mugs

The hedgehog lives in the country
It feels so much safer out of town
For it is a smart little thing, all covered in spikes
Curled up in a ball at the sight of head-lights

The baby hedgehog a year ago I found
Thereit was just lying on the ground
Attacked by magpies, squeeking like a mouse
I picked him up and took him back to my house

That baby´s mother was squashed.. not a pretty sight
Baby hedgehog was given T,L.C. to live as it might
It is curled up now, safe in my shed
I checked on it made sure its not dead

And now that spring is here, I´ll take it far away.
So that now grown hedgehog can live a better way

April 2002

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