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Meet my family in pics

Meet my Familia">


Happy Birthday Dad
You are 83 today,
You are you know
You were born 83 years ago
But I must confess
One would never guess!
We should be quite glad,
But we´re not, we´re really quite sad
To think you don´t know us at all,
Nor remember anything significant, big or small.

The only pleasures left in life
Is you are blessed with grace,
As a radiant smile engulfs your face.
And like a small child you catch the ball,
There is nothing more now, that is all.
So with a tender embrace to show we care,
And a gift of a golden teddy bear.
Happy Birthday Dad
You are 83 today,

May 2003

Dedicated to dad on his birthday May 2004, when he was no longer with us to share it.

And now we have laid you down to rest
to be with your wife of tenderness,
you had no worries, you had no care,
but in your heart you know we were always there.
We might take you out in a car some place or we might take you over the park for tea. We may sit in a field of golden buttercups and daisy,
to remember our mum, your wife , called Winefred Maisy
to share a tear or two,
but now your memories are very few.
You were loved and missed you are:
I think of you when I see a heavenly star.
now you have left this fair and pleasant land,
to be in a place of beauty, kept by god's loving hand.
So sleep now for eternal rest.
for in my heart we know you were blessed.

Sylvie Roberts, 21st May 2004



The seas and oceans between us
Are too deep to swim by far

The hills and mountains between us
Are too high to climb,for sure

The roads and rails between us
Don´t link up to go our doors

So to meet up in person
We have to travel by ship or plane
Which is too expensive for us to afford

But because there are many miles between us
Does not mean that you are forgotten
For you are in my heart and in my thoughts
And I think of you when I am up or down.

I look through family photos, and watch you close on video
And that brings you closer to home

November 1997

POEM on a fridge magnet sent to Daph.


Sometimes, during the day
I take a minute to think of you and us

Precious memories of our childhood
.....our laughter and our tears

A special friendship that can never be duplicated

I pause and smile knowing
that even if you weren´t my sister
I would still choose you as my friend

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