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I gained a darling pussy cat,
A ginger and white tom, nothing more than that
I saved his live, maybe number nine,
He paid me back years later by saving mine
. I bought him his own little brush and a flee comb,
It gave us pleasure to groom him when I got home.

It made me laugh how he played with a mouse.
I was surprised when he stole a steak from the pub-house.
Of course I loved him to bits,
He had me in hysterical fits,
When he played with aball or piece of string.
He was wonderful company when no one would ring.

That nosey cat would look in bag,
Just to see whatever I had.
In the evening,he’d sit upon my knee,
And together we’d watch the boring TV.
At night he would curl up on my bed,
Not near my feet, but right by my head.
He was very playful,skilful and sly
So I was upset when his time came to die.
Early one morning a milkman found my Montie.
He had got run over by a big lorry.
I imagine his cuota of lifes had run out.
Oh Montie!! OH Montie!! I’m sorry, I shout.

You were taken to a pets hospital, they did what they could
Oh dying Montie, you were ever so good.
But I held you to the bitter end
In you I had found a true friend.
Even now, he still makes me cry,
But I know there are angel-cats in the sky.

August 2000


Oh Kitty, Oh Kitty, curled up on my knee
I have to move you, I need a pee
I slide my hand 'neath you,
Scoop you up and put you down
You open an eye, stretch a paw without a sound
When I return, I put you back once more
You know no difference, none at all

When I was 5 or 6 years of age,
I knew this cat called Sage
She lived in the house next door to us
Such a nice pussy to let us make a fuss

. She was a tortise shell moggie:
We ´d play with water, till she got soggie.
Then she would run in circles in the sun,
Oh now we would laugh to see such fun!

Me and my brother would tease that thing
But we shut her up all night in coal bunker bin
We used to chase her , till she jumped over the wall
But come next day, she´d be back for more.

We made her wear a funny hat,
Dollies cloths and things like that
We tied a pretty bow on her tail,
Just for fun not to make her wail!

But then she became ill as she got old
We didn’t see her much when the weather got cold,
She became incontinent and very weak
her owner told us he had to put her to sleep

This broke my heart and made me cry
I didn’t know why lovely pussy had to die,
Even today when I think of her
And that nasty coal covered fur.

(c) sylvie Roberts 1986

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